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Questions to Make You Rethink Life

Life is full of surprises!

By Mark SiaPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
No man is an island.

There are many times in life where we get bombarded with different trials and tribulations. These could lead to various emotional distress that could potentially inhibit us from living life to the fullest.

Growing up in a very poor neighborhood, I remember when I went to school with nothing to eat. Most of the kids in my class had a lunchbox, filled with food that their parents prepared for them, while I sit on my chair with gloom in my eyes. Thankfully my teacher was kind enough to always buy me food. It was a miracle that I survived those days. Struggle was real, life definitely sucked during those times, but I didn't give up. One day my teacher asked me a question while I was eating a lunch he bought me. He said, Mark what do you think the biggest number is in this world? I paused for a second and thought of an answer. I replied with a million. Then he proceed on telling me, what if you multiply that by four, or another million? His question made me think of different possibilities of what I would do with that amount of money. He then told me that there are infinite ways to better yourself as a human being, and that I didn't have to stay where I was. Our conversation that day stuck with me for many years, and forever changed the way I view things in life. It gave me hope, and motivated me to reach the goals I had in life. Success came through and poverty was defeated. One of my goals that I had when I was a kid was to own a house before I was thirty years old. I was able to purchased my very first house with my own money at twenty five years old.

You maybe curious as to what I did, to achieved my goals, and experience many successes in my life. I asked myself these three simple questions to constantly challenge and motivate myself.

Question 1: Where do you place your trust?

This simple question can be answered in a million different ways. Some may say they put their trust in God, their parents, or even themselves. Some people may not even know where they put their trust, due to their hearts being broken over and over again by people or their loved ones. Every time I ask myself this question, I make sure to take some time to pause, and really consider my answer. This gives me a sense of affirmation and assurance that my trust is not going to be wasted. The phrase, trust is earned and not given, is true. If your answer to this question is yourself, then bravo, zulu to you! You just entered a whole new level of self confidence. If your answer is completely different then I say, rethink your answer, and make a list as to why you cannot put your trust on yourself.

Question 2: Do you have a peace of mind?

Peace is an emotion that a lot of people chase after, but it seems like it is nowhere to be found. So how exactly can we have peace if we are constantly experiencing trials and tribulations in life? Peace can enter in your life once you start to accept things you cannot change in your life. Learn how to find the positivity in a negative situation, the beauty in every ugly, and the life in times of darkness.

Question 3: What is your purpose in life?

I ask this question whenever I feel like I hit rock bottom. This question always seem to re-shape my mind, and recourse my life back to the right direction. As humans we are curious in nature, so I know you're probably wondering what my answer to this question is, and I'll tell you. Every time I ask this question myself, many answers comes up in my mind, but only one that truly resonate deep within, and that is to make people smile. I feel a sense of satisfaction whenever I make other people smile. Sure, their smile may not last a long time, but it lets me know that I made a difference in their life, even for a short while.

I hope these questions helps you find yourself, and motivate you in some way. Always remember that every action you take creates a ripple that affects other people around you. Laugh often, love always, and live your life to the fullest. No man is an island.


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