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Productivity is a Myth

Spending your day avoiding the to-do list is worth it.

By Kyra LopezPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Productivity is a Myth
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Do you ever look at the peppy vlogs of influencers and wonder how they manage to smile that wide at 8 am? More times than not, this is in conjunction with a surreal spread of delicious breakfast laid out on the table. A quick workout is already completed. Not to mention, the house looks pristine and the visible stress level is non-existent.

Now don't it twisted, I heavily applaud the dedication that these people possess on a day to day basis!

In fact, I will admit that I am very jealous of people who apply productive routines to their lives that are very different outside of my own. Even though I have OCD and my cleaning behaviors are what society deems as a "productive task", it doesn't always feel like I'm doing enough.

The disappointment in myself begins with some scolding, seeing that I'm still in pajamas at 9:30 am. Looking over to the desk, I then remember that there's a crippling amount of homework piling up. While I still manage to get up and perform the same rituals I'm used to, it is done to keep my environment in order.

Despite this small swig of motivation, I always feel a sense of nervousness when I realize that life is expecting more of me.

Life is expecting me to organize, not just my tiny room, but my entire career and mental health. I can't just sit on the lawn all day and pick flowers. To be neurotypical, I have to push myself to be in the routines that the general public approves of. These routines can potentially be holding down a job that I might not like just for survival, not taking too long of a break during the week, and getting all my house chores done.

Unfortunately, this means I have to think about the possibility of organizing my life into a rigid 9-5.

Regardless of these negative thoughts, I would like to counter that idea.

Productivity is actually a myth.

*audible gasps*

I'm sure there are some typical questions that pop up in people's heads when I say that.

"What do you mean its a myth?"

"How will you ever get by in life without it?"

"What about all those responsibilities? Dont be so lazy!"

The best spring forward cleaning advice I would like to share is that it is okay to forgive yourself for the mess, the disorder, and the unknowns about your life.

Not giving myself expectations for what productivity looks like reminds me that I can get done what needs to be done, but that life isnt reduced to being a robot. Therefore, I put a lot of importance on finding rest.

Small moments of peace are extremely important, and they add to your own version of a productive day. It is hard to apply this concept to all of society, as many families or workers do not have the means to take this well-deserved rest. The structure of worklife and the need for survival is inherently intertwined in the US for those under middle class. Having a stringint schedule can deeply affect the mental health of those working without rest or pressured by other stressors.

From lived experience, I know how unfathomable "not organizing" a day off can be. Organization in my house, job, and mental health is not always easy on a low budget. Time is money, and there are only so many hours in the day. However, I learned that I needed to reground myself and not be hard on my brain for the chaos that I am surrounded with.

Organizing a balance between productivity, organization, and "cleaning up" the areas of your life that feel messy is ultimately subjective.

My point is, striving for organization isnt always going to be a linear habit of spotless rooms and upbeat work schedules. Taking care of yourself is going to look distinct, as in it won't match anyone else's routines.

If you can, don't worry about the laundry being done all at once.

Get yourself some take-out, and remember to breathe! The "To-Do" list will still be there later.


About the Creator

Kyra Lopez

Writer from the 773

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