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Planting Seeds of Inspiration

In honor of Ronne Brown

By Danielle LatricePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

As a black woman, entering into new territory, in the world of entrepreneurship can be intimidating and overwhelming at times. With a vast variety of information and many different angles to approach entrepreneurship in the digital world that we live in, I was unclear of what my journey would become. Nonetheless, finding Ronne Brown and adopting her as my gifted mentor has become the perfect antidote to my problems. Ronne’s a wife, mom, author, businesswoman, and coach that is beyond deserving of being honored and acknowledged for the Black in Business Challenge. Ronne’s transparency, life story, and love for helping other women has made her an unimaginable inspiration for my life. In many ways, she has encouraged me to create the future that I highly desire for myself, but has also enriched my ability to believe in myself. I can only hope that my impact in others' lives, propels them to their next level, just like she is doing for me.

As an author and screenwriter, I’ve always held a desire to inspire other women that’s dealing with emotional turmoil to heal their emotional scars and nurture self-love through storytelling and sharing pieces of herself; however, the sharing aspect was a major struggle for me in the beginning. Although I was confident that my story could be impactful to others, I secretly struggled with shame regarding my past and feared the judgment that might follow. Listening to Ronne and watching her embrace transparency with such courage and grace helped me believe it’s okay to be transparent with the world. Whether she’s describing many life experiences that were not glitz and glam, crying on Instagram live with her followers, or unfiltered moments that are full of good conversation and compelling knowledge, you cannot miss the authenticity that she breathes. I eagerly await the day I’ve grown to fully operate in that space.

Ronne’s mission and brand are centered on helping other women live authentically and build their brands and businesses. She accomplishes this through her company GirlCEO, where she provides support groups, live coaching meetings, Q&A sessions, and detailed strategies and templates. It’s a one-stop-shop to build women’s confidence as an entrepreneur, create networking relationships, and lay a strong foundation for your business. She has shown me that her mission is not solely grounded on making money. It reflects when she is providing powerful tips and game-changing advice to people that are not enrolled in her program. This is so pivotal because while I am yet able to afford her program, I have gained so much, from watching her Instagram lives, posts, or the phenomenal advice she has given me on how to create additional sources of income that are an extension of my published book.

In conclusion, Ronne’s life story is beyond moving. It was easy for me to get lost in the pictured beautiful life she has now. I would have never envisioned she would endure the things she experienced, to get to where she is today. From having children at an early age and the shame that came with it, struggling to provide financially for her family, and encountering many failed businesses along the way. Overall, I now have a greater level of respect and admiration for her. She has fought to conquer a lot of challenges and obstacles that now fuels her to uplift others. Her testimony has planted seeds of motivation, encouraging me to believe that I also can overcome my circumstances and create the future that I desire. I am now committed to using my life story to fuel my purpose in helping other women!


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