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Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

One Person's Journey to Pursue Their Dream Career

By Karthick Published about a year ago 3 min read

Chapter 1: The Fear

Ever since he was a child, Alex had a dream of becoming a successful lawyer. He loved the idea of fighting for justice and making a positive impact on society. However, there was one major obstacle standing in his way: his fear of public speaking.

Alex had always been a shy and introverted person, and the thought of speaking in front of a large audience made him feel physically sick. He would avoid any situation that required him to speak in public, even if it meant missing out on opportunities to advance his career. But deep down, he knew that if he didn't face his fear, he would never achieve his dream.

Chapter 2: The Turning Point

One day, Alex received an invitation to attend a legal seminar in the city. It was an excellent opportunity to network with other lawyers and gain valuable knowledge and insights into the industry. However, the seminar also included a public speaking session where attendees would have to present their thoughts on a particular topic.

Alex was torn. He wanted to attend the seminar, but the thought of speaking in public terrified him. After much contemplation, he decided that he couldn't let his fear hold him back anymore. He would attend the seminar and face his fear head-on.

Chapter 3: The Preparation

Alex knew that he had to prepare extensively for the public speaking session. He read books on public speaking and took online courses to improve his skills. He also practiced in front of the mirror and with his friends and family, trying to overcome his fear of being judged and rejected.

Despite his efforts, Alex was still terrified of the prospect of speaking in front of strangers. But he kept reminding himself of his dream of becoming a successful lawyer, and how he would never achieve it if he didn't face his fear.

Chapter 4: The Seminar

The day of the seminar arrived, and Alex was a bundle of nerves. He sat through the morning sessions, feeling more and more anxious as the time for the public speaking session approached. He watched as other attendees confidently presented their ideas, wondering if he would ever be able to do the same.

Finally, it was Alex's turn to speak. He walked up to the podium, heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice shaking at first, but gaining confidence with every word.

To his surprise, the audience was engaged and attentive, nodding and asking questions as he spoke. Alex began to relax and enjoy the experience, realizing that public speaking wasn't as scary as he had thought. He finished his presentation to a round of applause, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Chapter 5: The Aftermath

The seminar was a turning point for Alex. He realized that he was capable of more than he had thought and that his fear of public speaking was no longer holding him back. He began to actively seek out opportunities to speak in public, whether it was at work or in social situations. He even started volunteering as a public speaking coach for others who struggled with the same fear.

Over time, Alex's confidence grew, and he was able to pursue his dream career as a successful lawyer. He became known for his excellent communication skills and his ability to inspire and motivate others. He knew that he had faced his fear and come out stronger on the other side.

Chapter 6: The Moral

The story of Alex teaches us the importance of facing our fears and not letting them hold us back from pursuing our dreams. Fear can be a powerful force, but it doesn't have to control our lives. We can overcome our fears by preparing, practicing, and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones.

By facing his fear of public speaking, Alex was able to achieve his dream of becoming a successful lawyer.


About the Creator


Iam Karthick from Cheanni. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Jawahar Engineering College.Iam working in Munish Engineer as a Lead Project Coordinator

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