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Overcoming Procrastination: How to Stop Delaying and Start Achieving

Practical Techniques and Strategies for Boosting Productivity and Motivation

By molviPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Overcoming Procrastination: How to Stop Delaying and Start Achieving
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Alex who had big dreams and aspirations. He wanted to start his own business, travel the world, and write a bestselling book. However, he had a problem - he was a chronic procrastinator. He would spend hours watching TV, scrolling through social media, and playing video games, instead of working towards his goals.

One day, Alex stumbled upon a book titled "The Art of Not Procrastinating" by a renowned productivity expert. Intrigued by the title, he decided to give it a read. As he delved deeper into the book, he realized that his procrastination was not just a bad habit but a serious obstacle that was hindering his progress.

The book suggested various techniques to avoid procrastination. Alex decided to implement them in his daily routine and see if they made a difference. Here are the lessons he learned:

Set achievable goals

One of the reasons why Alex procrastinated was that he felt overwhelmed by the enormity of his goals. The book advised him to break down his goals into smaller, achievable tasks. For instance, instead of aiming to write a 500-page novel, he could set a goal of writing 500 words a day. This made the task seem less daunting, and he was able to make steady progress towards his goal.

Create a schedule

Another technique that Alex found useful was creating a schedule. He realized that when he didn't have a plan, he tended to waste time aimlessly. The book suggested that he should allocate specific time slots for each task and stick to them. For example, he could allocate 8-10 am for writing, 10-11 am for checking emails, and so on. This way, he knew exactly what he was supposed to be doing at any given time, and he was less likely to get sidetracked.

Eliminate distractions

Alex realized that he was easily distracted by his phone, social media, and other trivial things. The book suggested that he should eliminate all distractions while working on a task. For instance, he could switch off his phone or keep it on silent mode, log out of social media accounts, and work in a quiet place. This helped him stay focused and be more productive.

Reward yourself

The book also advised Alex to reward himself for completing a task. This would motivate him to work harder and avoid procrastination. For example, he could reward himself with a movie night after completing a week's worth of writing, or treat himself to a fancy meal after achieving a significant milestone in his business. This way, he had something to look forward to and felt more incentivized to work towards his goals.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

Finally, the book suggested that Alex should surround himself with people who shared his ambitions and work ethic. This would create a positive environment that would inspire him to be more productive. He joined a writer's group, attended business conferences, and connected with other entrepreneurs online. This helped him stay motivated and inspired, and he felt accountable to his peers.

Over time, Alex noticed a significant improvement in his productivity. He was able to write more, work on his business, and achieve his goals. He realized that procrastination was not an insurmountable obstacle, but a habit that could be overcome with the right mindset and techniques.

In conclusion, procrastination is a common problem that affects many people, but it is not unbeatable. By setting achievable goals, creating a schedule, eliminating distractions, rewarding yourself, and surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you can avoid procrastination and achieve your dreams. As Alex discovered, it's never too late to change your habits and start working towards your goals.

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