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Optimism And Really Winning From The Bare Bones And The Ground Up


By Rahau MihaiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

When I'm feeling down and enviously mention the name of O.J. Simpson (as a once wonderful and presumably outstanding black man in the past, and now a person "who got away with it") pessimistically, I swiftly get over it and become nice to myself in order to function and live well where I am. I begin my piece by saying that reality truly and personally. Even the most pessimistic among us have gloomy jags and bumps in the path that they must occasionally overcome from the ground up. It is, of course, a natural aspect of life and existence. But those dreadful pessimistic lemons must be turned into nice optimistic lemonade, even by individuals who seem to have nothing going for them in a positive sense (yet).

For begin, we must be honest with ourselves; this is what I mean by "the bare bones and the ground up" in my title. Regardless of how difficult it is to accept our mistakes, pessimism, and harmful inclinations. They must be acknowledged in order to properly address problems and develop inner strength and self-esteem inside ourselves. Rationally, in order to be totally present to ourselves, we must be fully present and realistic about our shortcomings and virtues. Without such disclosures, we are actually groping in the dark for our light.

What do you see every time you turn on the light in your room? Do not shrink; instead, take a good or excellent look at oneself. When you accomplish something and don't become scared, crazed, or odd, those are the beginnings of true, unwavering, and realistic inner strength and optimism. Faking it till you "make it" is also ineffective.

Being a perfectly, healthy, and honestly regular person with a heart may sometimes make you a superhero, if you know what I mean.

Everyone enjoys the sensation of victory, but few like the feeling of having to pay for it all. It is a process, and it is a wonderful one that creates character and sometimes hurts. However, for those who sincerely follow through, it is truly worthwhile in every manner that matters.

Ah, the pleasures and tribulations of genuine optimism. Phony optimism is closing your eyes, fearfully proceeding forward, and hoping that things do not blow up, mess up, or go wrong, and if you win, you take credit, but if something goes wrong, you abandon ship and shift blame, as Sean McVay, the Los Angeles Rams football coach, appears to do on our local news programs in Los Angeles, California when they lose a big game and take all credit when they win those same big games.

Own it everything, failure and success, and you will reach someplace true, no matter how difficult it may appear at times, because it is genuine progress. Realistically, that is all you need if you want to develop authentically without fake, flinching, or fear. Everything else skirts the topic and misses the point. They claim that the penalty for sin or missing the mark is death. That is all. The wages of producing it is true life and existence really lived totally without avoidance. Really, everything is a decision.

I'm Joshua Clayton, and I work as a freelance writer in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen names and aliases, but my true name is Joshua Clayton, and I mostly write under that currently. I am a philosopher, objective thinker, and truthful action taker. My day job is at a senior facility in Gardena, California, among other things, but I am essentially a writer.

Thank you for reading and I hope it helped! !


About the Creator

Rahau Mihai

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