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Obsessing over your ex???

journey of healing involves various stages and a roller coaster of emotions.

By Anna_K.Published 11 months ago 3 min read
Obsessing over your ex???
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Navigating through the aftermath of a breakup, divorce, or a painful experience with a potentially narcissistic individual is undeniably challenging. Regardless of the circumstances, the journey of healing involves various stages and a roller coaster of emotions. It's natural to hold onto hope, yearning for a former partner to return or undergo a positive transformation. However, constantly replaying these stories can hinder personal growth and impede progress. Relationships are not strictly black and white; while it's possible to reconcile in the future, it's crucial to learn to move on in a healthy manner. Embracing self-development, allowing both individuals to evolve, and potentially rekindling the connection from a place of growth and understanding can be truly remarkable. It's important to acknowledge that a good and healthy relationship does not end under normal circumstances, except for unfortunate situations like the passing of a partner. Accepting this reality can be a significant step towards genuine recovery. Being clear about your relationship needs, seeking effortless compatibility, effective communication, mutual respect, and understanding are vital in finding a lasting partnership. Lowering standards or holding onto hope for someone to change is detrimental to your confidence, self-worth, and true self-love. You cannot change others; the focus should be on knowing your own needs and seeking a partner who can fulfill them.

Letting go of past stories, both the positive and negative, and accepting the reasons why the relationship had to end is essential for progress. Instead of clinging to false hope, channel your energy into personal growth and self-discovery. Remember, you deserve a healthy, fulfilling relationship, and by knowing what you want and working towards it, you can attract the right person into your life. Don't waste time on relationships that aren't right for you. Embrace the journey of healing and strive to create the happiness you deserve.

and set your standards accordingly. Understand that a healthy relationship should be based on mutual respect, understanding, effective communication, and a sense of ease and natural flow. It's important to accept that no good relationship ends and that if a relationship has ended, it likely means that the person you were with was not capable of giving you what you need or vice versa.

Avoid getting stuck in the hope of your ex coming back or changing. You can't control or change someone else's behavior or healing process. Focus on yourself and your own growth. Love and value yourself enough to recognize when a relationship is not right for you and have the courage to let go.

Stop replaying the stories of the past relationship and romanticizing the good times while ignoring the problems. Remember the things that were wrong and the reasons why the relationship had to end. This will help you accept the reality of the situation and move forward.

It's important to recognize that advice from others may be influenced by their own biases, experiences, and perspectives. While they may have good intentions, their advice might not always be objective or aligned with what is best for you. Take into account the source of the advice and consider seeking input from a variety of perspectives to gain a more well-rounded understanding. Instead of obsessing over seeking advice about your ex, consider redirecting your energy towards self-reflection. Take the time to understand your own needs, desires, and boundaries. Reflect on the lessons you've learned from the relationship and how you can grow as an individual. By focusing on self-improvement, you can gain clarity and confidence in making decisions that align with your own well-being.

Lastly, take care of your mental and emotional well-being during the healing process. Allow yourself to grieve, feel the emotions that come up, and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed. Focus on your own self-love, self-worth, and personal growth. By doing so, you increase your chances of attracting a healthy and fulfilling relationship in the future.


About the Creator


A soulful content writer who artfully intertwines the beauty of life, the depth of love, the intricacies of psychology, and the power of friendship in their words.

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