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New Year, New Me!

Will you follow through?

By Ben MoodyPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

It’s that time of year again. "New Year, New Me!" "I refuse to walk into 2018 with 2017 problems." I’ll go to bed earlier, I’ll wake up and workout now, yada yada yada.

Why is it that this idea of a new day, a new number at the end will suddenly change someone’s life? My opinion? This is an extravagant idea that has taken a hold of culture that the big pictures is what’s important and somehow controlled the outside world. The "I’ll be different this new years" is the same style of thinking as "well I’m not going to start this project Friday because I want a fresh start, so Monday will work" or "I’ll start going to the gym next month because this one’s half done already.” New year's resolutions almost ALWAYS end in failure because we focus on the wrong things — they have turned into grand statements with no real guide, rhyme, or reason. Here are three resolutions that I think can have a real impact and change for 2018.

Focus on the little things.

When we look at the world, we only see the big picture, the finished product, we only see the illusions that others want us to see and we only share the same. Models, entrepreneurs, even just friend and family posting about their perfect life. Perfect makeup, new mansion, million dollar companies, how-to’s and get rich fast, things to make others say “I want that!” Yet, no one ever talks about the little things, the day to day it took to make that happen. So, instead of saying “I’ll go to the gym three days a week this year” or “I’ll be a better person, I want to be happier” — start small. Try, "I will put my shoes back neatly by the door everyday when I get home."

I know, I know it sounds massively boring and probably not something you want to share when pouring champagne as the ball drops, but I BEG YOU to say it out loud. You’ll understand why when you get to three. Aside from the great conversation it’ll create, it will make it real. You’ll start with that, something so little and slowly you’ll catch yourself do other small things — like picking up the wrapper on the floor as you walk to the kitchen rather than waiting until Sunday when you clean the house. Folding your covers back when you get out of bed, doing a single load of laundry because you have some free time and it’s just easier to do it rather than waiting. Then, one day, you will wake up and realize how much easier and simpler life gets when you just do the little things whenever you can rather than waiting for the big day.

No Waiting

This goes right along with the number one. Stop waiting for the new year, Monday, or even tomorrow. If you have an idea or want to do something — start right NOW. You can build a house overnight and you sure as hell won’t ever finish it if you keep waiting to start the next part of it. So make a decision and at that moment take one step, even just a shimmy forward so when tomorrow does come around you’ll already have one foot in front of the other.

“Today, you've got a decision to make. You're gonna get better or you're gonna get worse, but you're not gonna stay the same. Which will it be?”― Joe Paterno

Stop waiting for approval.

Here it is folks, the biggest, grandest New Year’s resolution anyone could ever ask for — DO NOT let others stand in your way. I don’t care if it’s your loved one, parents, friends, boss. DON’T CARE. There’s really nothing more to say about it. If you want something, then do it and do it now. Do it a half hour a day, at 5 AM, noon, 11 PM, just do it. When you decide that you will be in charge of your own destiny, it will be utterly astounding to you when everything else you worry about now Just. Gets. Simpler.

Happy New Years everyone!


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