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Love Yourself!

By Victoria De La CruzPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Women in the business world are becoming more and more normal in this decade with women owning, building and running all intricate operations. Black women however, are not only rising to this new exchange of power, but they are paving ways for other black women while taking charge. There’s so much speech about black women being oppressed that their accomplishments are being shadowed and unspoken about. That is why a business about having better mental health is beneficial for all women and black women need to be included in this conversation.

“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?”

Maya Angelou said it best when asked about her journey through life and self love. Black women need to be recognized for their efforts, We also need to understand that self love and respect for oneself is more important than outside approval. When Maya Angelou spoke these words she wasn’t aware of the impact they would have on future generations of people around the world, which goes to show how small things can make a huge difference. When people are “good” to themselves it looks like confidence, it looks like strong will, it looks like healthy habits and it looks beautiful.

Anna is a young black woman in her twenties who just graduated top of her class at an IVY league school with stellar honors. Before she applied to that school she began a pill addiction that helped her focus and memorize while also depending heavily on other pills to help her sleep and calm her nerves. Unaware of how her mental health was being affected. After a long day of studying she went out with a few friends, had a great time and then on her way home from the party she awoke covered in blood from a head injury. She was in the passenger seat of a drunk driver. She reaches into her bag and searches desperately, not for her phone but, for her bottle of pills. She's become accustomed to self medicating in stressful situations, After searching for her pills for what felt like a frantic unforgiving five minutes she finally looks over to the driver seat

To find it empty.

Her friend was lying on the road in front of the car. Getting out of the car exhausted, dizzy and frightened, she slowly walks towards her friend's unconscious body, sobbing uncontrollably, she thanks the heavens that her friend was still breathing. After thoroughly being checked out for twenty minutes by the squad of uniforms she sits next to her friend who is now in a coma with a broken neck. The EMT approaches her to talk about the hazards of drunk driving but everything he said was a blur except, “If you had waited a minute longer to call us, she might not have made it”.

But that was it, she was going to wait a minute longer. She waited 5 whole minutes being obsessed with finding her pills she hadn't even noticed her friend's absence. Anna thought about all the things that she should have done better because even though she was alive and conscious her friends' entire future was changed dramatically, forever. Yet, the biggest question on her mind was. “What am I doing”? Her friends' parents arrived both ghost faced and fearful for their little girls’ life. They cried together but the weight of guilt never felt stronger than in the moments she stood in front of her friends parents. Locking eyes and feeling their warm embrace felt wrong knowing their own daughter may never have a chance to do so again.

Anna knew that she needed to reevaluate her life and most importantly how to get through life. She was now not only going to have university on her mind but also the condition and life of her friend. She stored and locked away all of her pills in the downstairs banister and did a full house cleaning from top to bottom getting rid of anything she no longer saw use for. Finally feeling like a new start has begun she looks online for healthy coping mechanisms and support. She needed help getting through upcoming stressful times on the horizon and to deal with her regret for that one unforgiving night. She found that there were multitudes of doors opening up for her and one place in particular stood out because it not only incorporated healthy living, but from young black women as herself who had their own stories of adversity and triumph.These new coping skills have aided her growth and helped her get through even the most trying of situations by relying on meditation and staying clear of drugs and temptation.

Namaste by Jay is inspiring women to embrace, experience and strive for the greatness they deserve and desire. This uplifting business demonstrates the untapped potential and power black and brown women encompass. Through outward support, ongoing hard work and most importantly self love, women are able to accomplish anything they set their minds to. Most black women have been abused in one way or another and in the personal account stories section, you read about real women going through real situations. Dealing with death, loneliness, shame, heartbreak and completely hitting rock bottom. Only to watch themselves pull themselves back up, work on self love and become even more lovely and resilient than they thought was possible. That in itself for any woman struggling can be passive inspiration and these women show the strength in moving forward.

There are ways to heal. These wonderful Queens saw the need to help women who need knowledge about mental health because almost all battles we encounter are done mentally. Minority women or those experiencing poverty have less access to meditation, art outlets such as; art galleries, painting, yoga, aroma therapy, chakra healing and the list continues. This business provides art, personal account stories, candles and self care packages at a reasonably priced market which supports the business in giving back to the community and providing information that anyone can find.

Namaste by Jay began online so during this pandemic it is even more accessible to begin working on self love and introducing healthy habits into your daily lifestyle. If you’re someone like me who suffers from anxiety and meeting people in person, you can start forming the person you want to become in baby steps and in the privacy of your own home. Doing something as simple as reading up on information can be a fantastic beginning because improving your mental health will yield extraordinary results.

Look at yourself and really look, are you ready to love yourself more, be happy and do what it takes to get there. Whether you’re at that point or not it is always wise to surround yourself with positivity. All the women running and being a part of Namaste are a strong unbreakable support system of independent black women in business who want to help you shine! Love yourself, Namaste!

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