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Motivational Ideas (Part 13)

Doses of Motivation

By BasilPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

1. The satisfaction of doing work slowly and nicely. Later on, you do not regret rushing over things and missing out on so much.

2. There is also a satisfaction of working based on priority. This way you won't have to regret on missing out on the important things.

3. When you are thirsty, you ask the person with the glass of water to give you water, not someone without water. Similarly, when we need something or need to get our problems solved, we need to address the right person. Going to the wrong people to merely get it all out will not help.

4. Even using our down times and times of sadness with doing something productive that we are able to handle at that time will help us forget the pain and also not make us waste time.

5. Looking at your phone when someone else is talking to you is like reading a book, or looking away, or looking at a wall when someone else is talking to you. It is disrespectful to the other person.

6. In order to create motivation to work, we can set a reward or a punishment. This can motivate us to start off our work and then we can get involved deeply in our work and focus on it and can temporarily forget the reward or punishment. And every time our motivation goes down, the reward or the punishment can remind us to continue working.

7. If we want to do something and we feel it is difficult or we feel lazy, we can start if off and gradually do it slowly and we will be surprised how much of it we completed after some time. We should not belittle small steps. After starting to work on a boring task, we may even get involved and interested in it after some time.

8. The joy of being gentle, especially to family and closed ones. Talking to people lovingly and being nice makes us ourselves feel good.

9. Intellect and emotions are both important, for intellect helps us defend our beliefs through arguments and emotions help us dive deep into the love of what we believe.

10. Tips to save time: Sometimes we may think that sleeping is a waste of time, but this may not be true all the time. Although over-sleeping is a waste of time, but under-sleeping can also become a waste of time because we become sluggish and as a result are unable to perform and get our tasks done. An even better tip to save time: sometimes a small 5 to 15 minute sleep during the day may be enough instead of sleeping for 1 to 2 hours.

11. From my observation, almost all fields of life contain something for everyone. What I mean is that for example, if we look at the study of space, we need physicists to study the spectrums of light, we need mathematicians to do the calculations, we need the chemists to study the atomic structures etc. Similarly, a single company requires people from different spheres of life. The same company may need architects, accountants, managers etc. In order to study the ocean, we need, biologists, botanists, hydrologists. Therefore, it seems to me that for every field, there has been put something of interest for every kind of person. And by allowing every field to have something for everyone, it has been made sure in nature that every type of person is dependent on someone else.

12. We can view difficulties in life as fun challenges that will improve our skills and learning and make us a better person once we conquer them or try to conquer them. We can also view them as a video game where we take on challenges and keep re-trying till you win.

13. The one things that’s not on our side… time, it keeps ticking.

14. We are what we believe we are and we accomplish what we believe we can accomplish. We just have to believe strongly.

15. It’s important to see our past heroes in order to get inspiration. But what is also important is that we put ourselves to action and work hard ourselves. After all, its easy to read and listen about the heroes of the past, but even those heroes succeeded when they worked hard.

16. We should not be overwhelmed by the excess engagement in social media, internet, or our excessive tasks. Relax.

17. The internet can be seen as a pile of dirt where you have to dig through to get a useful piece of information. Because there is so much information, most of it might be wrong or irrelevant. So it is important to make sure that the information we get is correct.

18. Sometimes being all alone and contemplating is good.

19. Our creation directs us to be soft-hearted and soft-spoken. Both the heart and the tongue contain no bones so they are soft by nature.

20. Having both the ability to doubt and to have absolute conviction have their uses. Doubt helps us be careful about dangerous situations and helps us to question the claims to the truth in order to verify them. Conviction helps us maintain a strong faith in the truth once we find it.


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A passionate student of Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering and the Arabic Language

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