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Mind Change

The ability to alter one's state of mind

By Simon NgPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The ability to change one's state of mind is defined as follows:

Your mind is both your most valuable asset and your most formidable adversary when it comes to achieving success, happiness, and accomplishment, as well as all of the other things that matter in life. Despite the fact that it can assist you in achieving more than you ever imagined possible, your mental patterns can also hold you back, trapping you in a cycle of mistakes, and causing you to continue to practice habits that you developed years ago without realizing that they could be harmful in the long run.

However difficult, changing one's thought patterns can be a tremendously rewarding experience in the long run. One advantage is that it is a journey that is in and of itself a personal achievement. The process of learning new things, developing new tastes, and broadening your horizons is an ongoing one; it is an ongoing process of education and development, but without the stress of reading textbooks and taking exams at the end of each semester, as is the case with traditional educational institutions.

Learning a foreign language is an extremely effective method of changing your thought patterns because it simply forces your brain to adjust to new patterns. Learning a foreign language is a great way to start. Words have an impact on both your thoughts and your understanding of them; in addition, new grammatical structures that do not exist in your mother tongue open up new possibilities that you had not previously considered.

You can broaden your contacts with people from other cultures by traveling to their countries, even if you don't have the time to devote to such a large project at the moment (learning a foreign language takes a long time and requires dedication and discipline). Consider watching some movies, reading some books, even if you have to rely on the translation at first, or even trying some foreign dishes to see how much of a difference it can make in your overall experience.

Reading books is unquestionably beneficial to your brain, and increasing your reading time is almost certainly on everyone's list of New Year's resolutions. Nonetheless, now is a good time to try something new: force yourself to read at least one book per month that isn't normally your cup of tea. In the event that you don't normally read detective stories, pick up a copy the next time you're at your local bookstore and give it a try. Anything less than a complex solution will suffice. Those who only read novels should experiment with a non-fiction book to see how they fare before continuing.

How long has it been since you last paid a visit to an art gallery or museum? Aimlessly strolling through a museum gallery for a few hours may be out of the question for most of us these days, but this is precisely the type of activity that forces your mind to take unexpected twists and turns, until old patterns break down and new ones are formed, which is exactly what happens when you do something like this. If your town has something interesting to offer, it's likely that you've overlooked it; therefore, make a list of local museums and cultural activities and try to visit one or two of them once a month, if not more frequently.

Even though the arts and sciences are important, don't forget to have fun – or, better yet, to explore the other aspects of enjoyment. If we take the case of computer games, they are frequently criticized as time wasters. However, even if you are not a gamer, occasionally engaging in a couple of games can be a truly enjoyable experience, one that may reveal things about yourself that you were previously unaware of.


About the Creator

Simon Ng

My passion and experience are people development, training, and consultation. So I would like to share my people development skills and experience on how to enhance, improve and inspire you to become a better version of yourself.

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