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Meet Jyheam Ingram

Meet Jyheam Ingram

By Sarah BlessingPublished about a year ago 3 min read

My name is Jyheam Ingram. I am a football player in the state of Alabama. I just recently signed my National Letter of Intent to play Division 1 collegiate football. The grind that it has took to get to this point was has really opened my eyes and expanded my thought process on the aspect of life. I have began yo realize that there are more things in the world than money. The most important thing that I have learned is that it dose not matter what you do, just make sure you’re happy doing it. I have put in countless hours of work and countless amounts of blood, sweat, and tears have went into this. This revealed my passion for the game. I love what I do because it brings out my personality. I have always been a quiet person, but when I am on the field all of the quietness goes away. This showed something that I never knew that I had in me. My skills to lead and guide others in the right direction had revealed themselves without even noticing. I began to take charge of my football team as a sophomore which is impressive considering I was an underclassman. This was unheard of because of the success rate of my high school program. They were always known for having a big senior leader that was responsible for representing the team. When it was my turn I did the unusual and changed the culture of that leading the team as a sophomore. This is one of the several things that separated me from the pack and made me stand out. I’m different for others because of my mindset. I’m undersized for my position with the mind of a 6’6 300 pound lineman. The thing is, I never let my shortcomings get in the way of reaching for my dreams. My parents played a big part in helping me stay consistent and continued to believe in me.Hopefully having this mindset could set me up for success within the next 5 years. I hope to be somewhere off happy providing for my wife and kids. I have always dreamed of having a big house and a family that can depend on me and come and ask me for anything they need without a problem. Family is one of, if not the most important things in my life. I’ve been raised in a family oriented household and I want to do the same when I become the head of the table. In the sports industry I provide a different view for people who don’t fit the generic mold. I’m not 6’5 nor am i 300 pounds, but I truly believe that I could be motivation for someone who had the same goals and ambitions as myself. After my sports career i want to expand even more. I want to become a motivational speaker and an analyst for a sports network. I want my story of not fitting the mold to be heard and told around the world. This would have an impact especially for the kids and teens who don’t think they’re enough. When the sun sets on the other side I want to be remembered as the guy who wasn’t the biggest but had the biggest heart. I want to be remembered for all the good and encouragement that i brought. When Im thought about I want to bring a smile to faces. I want people to say that I truly impacted their lives in the right way. The lessons I learn throughout the way will play a major part in this along with the mistakes. I’m a firm believer in using mistakes and bad events to mold and shape one into a better person.


About the Creator

Sarah Blessing

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