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{Manifest} Your Happiness

The intentional journey of becoming.

By Hope the GypsyPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Hope's Manifestation Board

Staying in the lines has always been a bit uncomfortable for me. So, I have found a way to cut out the lines create my own reality. I love that the title of this prompt was to create your own happiness because that is truly my goal when sitting to work on this particular hobby or encouraging someone else to begin their journey. My initial intent was to formulate this impeccable story about a girl with a dream and some scissors but….I am that girl. So, hi, my name is Hope and creating manifestation boards is one of my favorite spiritually grounding hobbies. On this board, there are no limits, no boxes, no lines for me to stay inside of, and no definitely no impossibilities. My dad was actually the one who instilled this understanding within my siblings and I at a very young age. “Dream it, write it, see it” he would always say. From scriptures in the mirror, to prayer rooms with covered walls created by my mom, manifestation has always been a powerful tool in my family. Today, I reimagine, add to and cut out (smirk) accomplishments from my manifestation board monthly. I have been doing this consistently since the beginning of 2019 and had amazing revelations of the power that we hold to create the life we want. I have now launched my own healing practice at 22, written and released my first poetry book, travelved, learned, unlearned and had the privilege of watching myself become. Having a manifestation board has not only helped me create the life of abundance I wish to experience, but has revealed my soul's desire to create such blueprints for others to unveil their own manifestation powers. Many people set big goals at the beginning of the year and then look in the mirror in December disappointed that nothing of the sort took place. Watching yourself over the months reminds you that even the little details or days that some would consider insignificant, are working in your favor. Having tangible goals for yourself monthly, makes the weekly, daily, and moment to moment choices to serve your highest purpose, seem much more attainable. You are giving each day purpose and yourself a reminder of exactly what that purpose is. By crafting a manifestation board, wall, or room, you are making it easier to set intentions first thing every morning. Focusing your energy on your goals, each day, is the truest way of providing yourself not only the energy to make them happen, but the tools needed to cut out all of the blockages that prevent you from remembering your dream fulfilling capacity. Think about it! What if you sat down each morning and said “What am I choosing for myself today” based on your board? Whether it be a feeling you wish to experience or a task you want to complete… how would your overall goals and energy shift? You can load your board with mantras and inspirational quotes that always seem to give you the boost you need. By doing this, you are opening yourself up to receive all you could wish for. This physical reminder of your “why” can also serve as a spiritual mirror and calm on a day filled with anxiety. Sometimes those emotions are just a manifestation of the overwhelm from all you are carrying within you. So get it out on paper!

Creating a manifestation board starts within a vision of course, but would make it nowhere, like all of us, without the process. This journey includes an open heart, and your favorite pair of scissors. Since the world we live in can sometimes make dreaming from our own imagination feel useless, flipping through and cutting out pages of a magazine is an ideal starting point. Having that reflection of what you would like to manifest in the material world can be summed up quite easily with references from books or online searches. However, if you have spent some time dreaming of a world you want to create that has not been birthed by someone else yet, write it, paint it, draw it, cut it out and paste it to YOUR board! Having this reflection can also help you become more aware of yourself as a spiritual being and can spark a transformation you would never see coming. Sitting with yourself in this monthly cycle of setting intentions will also bring about major reflection. This can allow you to leave behind emotional baggage, chains, or boxes you have existed in without realization. These chains can manifest in the form of a job, relationship, or location you have chosen. As you are sitting monthly to reflect on your “why”, you may realize that the dreams and goals you have set for yourself are no longer enough to get up and fight for each day. They may, also, simply no longer spark joy within you. This can sometimes mean starting from scratch; which is many people’s greatest fear. This just means it's time to cut out (wink) the old chords and create new dreams. Being intentional can make this rebirthing season much easier. Your board will be your best friend on the manifestation journey. Especially at times when looking in the mirror or out into the world seems to not align with what's within. Taking the time out to believe in yourself will create a symbiotic relationship founded on mutualism and trust between your body and spirit. This is all you need to have all you want. Trust it! Choose not to exist inside of anyone else’s picture of success. Grab your scissors, cut it out, and cut it up! You are sculpting your dreams with every manifestation board. It's time to create your happiness.

My number one dream currently is to create workshops and reminders for people that the key to achieving their goals is to be! Once we all have a clear goal in mind, navigating through is a beautiful and unique journey. I pray that through my healing and becoming, I am able to inspire growth in all I come into contact with. Thank you for this opportunity to share and for the reminder to appreciate the uniqueness of one's craft!

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