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Making Money on Youtube

From first try to success

By KianPublished about a year ago 5 min read


Are you looking to make money on Youtube? It’s not as easy as it used to be, but there are still many ways to make money on the site. Some of the best ways include being a personal finance blogger, vlogger, reviewer, entrepreneur or expert.

It’s really important to learn from the best! Here you’ll find help to get your YouTube business started!

Personal finance blogger

You probably already know that you can make money on Youtube by creating content, but did you know there are other ways to make money? As a personal finance blogger, your goal is to help people in their everyday lives. Whether it be through an educational video or just showing them what options they have available to them when it comes to making decisions about their money and investments. You can also use affiliate marketing as a way of earning some extra cash by promoting products and services that may interest your audience if they’re looking for something specific.

If this sounds like something up your alley then let me tell you how!


Vloggers are people who make videos about their personal life and post them on YouTube. They can make money from ads on their videos, sponsored content (like brand deals), or affiliate links.

The easiest way to start vlogging is by recording yourself talking about something that interests you and posting it on YouTube. If people find the video interesting enough, they’ll watch it — and then watch more of your videos! After a while, other people might start asking if they can pay for access to certain parts of your channel (like extra episodes). You can say yes or no depending how much money they offer up front — and every time someone pays for access to part of your channel will count as another source of income!


You can also review products, services and events. For example:

Review books and movies.

Review restaurants, bars and clubs.

Or even food products like cupcakes or cookies!

One of the best ways to earn money from YouTube is through affiliate marketing. This means that you promote a product or service on your channel and get paid a commission for every sale made due to your recommendation. The best part about this method is that it doesn’t require any special skills or equipment other than what you already have access to!


You can also make money on YouTube by starting a business. You can sell products, offer services and create a website to make money online. The first step is to pick a niche that you’re interested in and then do some research on how much people are willing to pay for products/services related to that topic. Once you know what people are willing to pay for, then it’s time for action!

You should create an Amazon affiliate account (it’s free) so that when someone buys something from Amazon after clicking on one of your links or ads, then both parties benefit: The customer gets their product faster because we will ship it directly from our warehouse without having them wait longer than usual due your location; while we get paid commission from each sale made through using our link or ad.”

If you’re more interested in making money from vlogging, then it’s a good idea to start thinking about sponsored content. You can use your channel as a way to get deals with brands that want to advertise their products on YouTube — and this is where the real money is at!


You can use your expertise to help people.

YouTube is full of experts who have made money on the platform, and they’re not all video game streamers or beauty gurus! There are plenty of people offering advice on how to do things like cook healthy meals, manage your finances, or build a business. Think about what you know well enough that someone would want to watch a tutorial video about it — then make one!

Become an expert by doing something often enough that other people come to recognize you as an authority on the subject matter at hand (whether in real life or online). If no one has ever heard of you before but then learns something valuable from watching one of your videos — voila! You’ve become an expert overnight!

If you’re a blogger, you can write reviews of your favorite products or services. You can also interview people who have used the product or service and write about them in your blog post.

There are many ways to make money on Youtube. Here are some examples:

You can create a video that teaches people how to do something, like how to cook or play an instrument. If people like your video and want more information, they can sign up for your email list and get access to more videos of yours in that series. You could also offer tips or bonuses in exchange for their email address (this is called “lead generation”).

You could create videos where you review products — not just books but any kind of product such as clothes or toys — and then link those reviews back out through affiliate links so that when someone clicks through them and buys something from Amazon or another retailer, you’ll earn a commission on top of what you already earned from creating the video itself!

The next step is to create content that will sell. This can be a video, blog post or article. The more relevant and valuable your content is to your audience, the more likely they are to buy something from you. After creating some good quality content, then it’s time to promote it on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter along with Google Ads (AdWords)You can also create vlogs (video logs), which are basically just a series of short videos that you’ll post on a regular basis. You could make them funny or serious — it’s up to you! You can even do both if you want!.

-If you’re not sure what people want to know about a subject, ask them! Send out an email survey or post on social media asking your audience what they would like to learn more about. You can also use Google Trends to get an idea of what people are searching for in your niche. Vlogs are a great way to build an audience, but the key is consistency. You can’t just make one or two and then not do another one for a month or even longer. The more you create, the more likely people will start watching them regularly and get hooked on your content! Once you have enough followers.

We hope you’ve learned a lot about the different ways to make money on Youtube. There are so many opportunities out there, and we know that with this knowledge, you can take advantage of them all!

But don’t forget, the best advice will come from those that have been working on their channels for years, even decades.

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