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Make clear goals in order to succeed

Goals are important!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

When it comes to winning, there is one quality that one must have: a clear sense of purpose, an understanding of what one wants, and a burning desire to obtain it. When it comes to achieving success and realizing dreams, having a clear sense of purpose is essential.

Your dream or goal must be specific and clear, and it should not be vague in any way whatsoever. While it is enjoyable to daydream about becoming wealthy and successful, you must first identify and define precisely what you want to obtain or achieve. Clarity of purpose is essential for achieving any level of success, whether it's losing weight, purchasing a new car, or traveling abroad. How can you get what you want if you don't know precisely what you want?

When you have a clear understanding of your purpose, you will know what steps to take. When you have a clear sense of purpose, you can concentrate on achieving your goal without going to waste time or energy. When you have a clear sense of purpose, it's like focusing a bright source of light on your goal and seeing it clearly.

Consider participating in a race in which the finish line has not been clearly marked. You've been told that you'll know when you've found it. It may appear to be exciting at first, but as you become fatigued, it becomes frustrating and extremely demotivating. You have no way of knowing if you are getting any closer to the finish line or not. A race without a finish line may seem absurd, but it is exactly what we do every time we fail to set clear goals for ourselves.

The alternative is to establish a goal that specifies how we will know when we have completed our task. By allowing us to track our progress toward a goal, we can get a better sense of how close we are to achieving it. Knowing that we are making progress and that we are getting closer to the finish line is also motivating.

I frequently see goals expressed in the form of 'we will be the best.' While that is admirable and feels good, what exactly do we mean by "best" in this context? What do you want to be the best at? Which is the most reputable, fastest, most valuable, highest quality, least expensive, and so on?

During a recent client conversation, we discussed the importance of being the best. It was important to them to be recognized as the most respected organization. In order for everyone else to listen to them, they needed to figure out who had the legitimacy to determine they were the best in the first place. This could include becoming an industry insider or becoming the go-to company for the media to contact when seeking comment. So, what are the objectives you've set for your team, function, or company? Do you and everyone else understand what it means to be finished?

It is undeniable that setting goals are advantageous in a variety of ways, both for individuals and for businesses. It has been shown that having a clear focus in the form of a goal not only helps people stay on track but also motivates them even more than factors such as economic gain. Creating clear frameworks and providing tools for effective goal setting can also aid in steering performance management conversations in the right direction if they are done correctly.

Begin by empowering regular feedback on employees' progress toward achieving their objectives, and you'll have a recipe for building a highly productive, motivated, and high-achieving team.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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