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Make a good life for yourself

Your life is a result of your choices

By Chutisa BowmanPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

What does having a good life actually mean to you? To one person, a good life means having a satisfying life socially, economically, and psychologically. To another, it may mean having a luxurious lifestyle full of material belongings, wealth, and the fulfillment of all their wishes.

To another, it may mean having a life that satisfies, that adds happiness, joy, and a sense of purpose. To yet another, it means enough financial substance to be able to do whatever they wish with their life.

Your answer may be different from that of everyone else you know. In fact, if everyone reading this article were to develop their own list of what it means to have a good life, we would probably have hundreds of different answers to share with one another.

To return to the initial question, what does having a good life actually mean to you? Have you ever really asked yourself this question?

When you think of a good life, do you envision oodles of money, a mansion, and a fancy sports car? Indeed, 'a good life' is a personal definition – for some, it’s lots of money, and for others, it’s fulfillment and for others it’s freedom.

Some people want to live in a mansion overlooking the ocean, while others want to live in a cottage by the lake or in the wilderness. Bottom line – a good life is what you say it is.

Do you know what having a good life actually means to you? What would you like to create? Only you can truly answer that question.

For example, if you want to have a prosperous and wealthy life, achieve financial self-reliance, an important step in achieving this is to know exactly what you want to create and to stop trying to create the way other people do.

However, most people have no idea what they would like to create as their life. A good life for most people is about getting something better than what they currently have. So, they dedicated their lives to the belief in hard work and the idea that hard work will get them a better life.

How about you? Have you chosen to create your life as seamlessly as possible? Or, do you spend your life being on autopilot, because you love your comfort zone? Or, because you are afraid to ask for more out of life?

What if a good life is not measured by the amount of money you have or by material possessions.

The attainment of wealth and financial freedom alone might not be fully fulfilling and will definitely not give us a sense of joy in living. So, to have a good life we must combine aspects of exploration and self-mastery with the endeavor to spend our time in a generative manner that is both fun, joyful, creative, satisfies and fulfills. It is only through the integration of these aspects that a joyous, happy, and generative life can truly become a good life.

What if a good life can be depicted as a life that is full of choices and possibilities, a life that is not primarily wasted with mundane activities? What if it is about personal joy, fulfillment, and enjoyment of the small pleasures of life?

For me, a good life is an attitude, a choice, an act, an idea, a discovery, and adventure. A good life comes from a lifestyle that is so creative and generative —regardless of my bank account—that it provides me with a constant sense of joy in living - that adds value and contributes to making this world a better place.

One of the things that prevents many people from creating a life that they would like to have is complacency and lack of awareness. They are clueless about what they would like to create as their lives.

By Diego PH on Unsplash

Let’s start with discovering what you would like to have. Here are a few questions to use:

We all have a vision of what a good life looks like for us. However, taking this notion one step further, ask yourself some key questions.

  • What would you like to have as your life?
  • What do you want to have in your life?
  • What do you want to physically actualize as your life?
  • What would be fun for you today?

Would you be willing to have the greater life you could be having - even if you have no idea what that is? What’s your priority in life? A priority allows you choice and possibility. Do you value financial freedom, being of service, freedom to be the creator of your own reality, the ability to create a flexible schedule that works for you and your family?

Ask a question: “What would I really like to create here? What would work for me? If something is working: How can I make it better?”

To create the life you desire you have to know what you want your life to be about. You have to become aware of what that life would be like for you. This is not about defining your life in terms of a car, a house, or objects. It's about being aware of the energy you’d like your life to be.

Once you get in touch with what you would like to create as your life, your core desire will come to light. For example, if you have a driving desire to become an entrepreneur, to be your own boss, or a priority to have financial freedom, this will come to light as well. You will know what is right for you.

When your core desire comes to light, you will find what is really going to work for you - you’ll know it.

Once you’ve done the work to uncover your own core desire and what you would like to create as your life, it’s time to make a different choice beyond your comfort zone and into the world of action.

While it’s nice to get in touch with your awareness and what could be possible for you, it’s even more important to get in touch with what it would take for you to actualize it. What actions do you need to take, and what does it look like to make it come to life?

The good news is that your power to create your own reality is always available, it is always at your fingertips, just waiting to be claimed. If you wish to have a good life, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to actualize it. Success comes to those who are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

Are you willing to do whatever it takes, to do ANYTHING to change your current situation?

You have the power to create a generative life in the midst of a recession and you don’t have to be the effect of any economic hard times. Be willing to be the awareness of those possibilities. Ask: "What do I need to do or what do I need to be that would bring this to actualization with total ease?"

Also ask: "What do I be, do, have, create, or generate that would allow this to show up?"

Thanks for reading! If you liked my article feel free to click the heart below. If you like my work be sure to visit my Instagram @chutisabowman

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About the Creator

Chutisa Bowman

Chutisa Bowman is a Pragmatic Futurist, author, creative director, producer and poet. She is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, benevolent capitalism, prosperity consciousness, and conscious leadership.

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