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Love more, Live longer

It's what keeps me going.

By Katie ShayPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
it is the cure, it is the answer

During times of chaos and distruction, my mind continues to come back to one place. What our world is truly lacking is L O V E. Everywhere we go and everything we see seems to be covered in fear. Our food is being poisoned, our media is full of fake news and false information, and people are walking around in masks, afraid to get too close. It breaks my heart to witness elderly men and women shake rapidly at the brush of a shoulder by another. They panic with that fearful look in their eye. What if it happens to me?

What most people don't understand is that our planet is going through a major shift in consciousness. Some people are easily influenced by what they see on TV or read online, and others are waking up to the truth. The truth that the answers we seek lie only inside of our own hearts and our own minds. As you cannot have light without darkness, yin without yang, or push without pull, we also cannot have a world of harmony without knowing what it's like to endure chaos. I believe that we are on the right path to freedom, as hard as that may be for some to believe. One way that I stay optemistic and hopeful is by surrounding myself with things that insprie me and make me feel less alone.

The first account I would like to share with you that I turn to for inspiration every day is @twinflamerevolution. Dov and Nicole are an amazing, same-sex power couple who share daily videos on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. They are consciousness mentors and badass coaches that lead by example. They are able to utilize their knowledge, wisdom, and perspective, to turn even the darkest days into light.


Within each of us, we have both feminine and masculine energy. Most individuals identify with one more than the other. For example, Dov embodies more of her feminie energy while Nicole identifies more with the masculine. Their bravery to come forward and speak about their experience with these roles and within a Twin Flame dynamic is truly admerable. I too am in a same-sex relationship, and to have role models to look up to has helped me tremendously. Incase you are not familiar with the term "twin flame", it is used to describe a certain type of partnership in which two souls bring out the darkest shadows buried within each other in order to face them head on and transmute them into light. We are all programed at birth to believe certain things, behave certain ways, and even think certain thoughts. Our society shapes us based on what society has shaped out to be, and unfortunately that is primarily limiting beliefs. Even old beliefs such as: men are supposed to be the bread winners, women are supposed to shave their legs and look "pretty", and even religious beliefs that are instilled in us dictating arranged marriages and same-sex bans. My partner is Afghan, and her family disapproves of her free and open approach to life. It is an aspect of her that I truly admire, much as I do with Dov and Nicole.

beautiful awakening, we thank you

One of my favorite posts by Dov and Nicole is the 'Beautiful Awakening'. If you read the caption, you will understand why I check in with them daily to gain inspiration and hope for the future. These women are powerful leaders and I too am a powerful leader, but perhaps not quite as far ahead in my career as they are.

"It is your courageous soul that will help lead the way for your tolerance of hardship is now a super power."

Quotes like this remind me that I am not alone. Our world has been severely imbalanced with its masculine and feminine energies. For as long as time can tell, men have ruled the world, made decisions for the economy, and often times have "kept women in their place." We have yet to see a female president here in the United States, even though women have been the true backbone of society for centuries. It is our innate connection to Mother Earth that makes us powerful creators, intuitive healers, and emotional beings who are connected to all things. I believe it is time for women to stand up and start leading the way by combining our logical, right brain, masculine energies with our creative, left brain, feminine powers. I am so grateful to know that leaders like Twin Flame Revolution are out there sharing their knowledge and wisdom with the world. My hope is to become an influencer right there alongside them, sharing my own wisdom and bravery with the world.

Now, one of my favorte go-to photos to gaze at when I am feeling lost or perhaps a little hopeless, is this photo of my beautiful roommate Taylor.

breathe love into your life

I took this photo in Sedona, Arizona and it will forever be one of my favorite pictures. To me, this photo IS digital sun-rays. It literally lights up my life every time I see it. The way the sun illuminates Taylor's hair, collarbone, and especially her Sacred Geomentry earrings, makes me feel connected to the Earth just by looking at it. I can feel the fresh air on my face simply by connecting to the expression on hers. Our connection to Gaia is what makes us earth beings and without connection to the Earth we no longer exist in this plane. Taylor is Native American too, so she has deep ancesteral roots in the desert. Can you feel that connection? The gratitude? The inner peace?

This photo reminds me that there is a bigger picture. There is room for expansion, creation, and expression. Like I said before, we are born into a society of limiting beliefs, but nature knows no such thing. In nature, everything is harmony. The cycle of life is endless and effortless. It is us, humankind, that become trapped and enslaved by our needs and desires to be a certain way. What if we could sipmly let it all go? What if we could become one with nature, and take care of our environment with love and compassion, the way that she takes care of us? I think one of the most difficult things to accept about our society is how much we take the Earth for granted. The animal abuse and suffering, oil fracking and pollution, even the buildings we live in are not geometrically sound with the expansivness of our energetic and magnetic aura. We have the ability to change our ways and perserve the planet, but with the wrong people in power, it can easily become too late.

That is something I admire about Taylor, just as I do with Dov and Nicole. We are all aware that massive changes must take place. It is time for the old system to become outdated and for new ethical practices to take place. Sustainable farming, renewable energy, geodesic housing, just to name a few. My roommate Taylor and I are both on the path toward spiritual leadership and extreme fame with our combined talents, passions, and desire to save the planet and restore love to the people. This photo is personal to me because it is deep. It is as deep as the Grand Canyon and even deeper. I admire Taylor for her strengths and the battles she has already won, and this photo reminds me of why I am here.

The last piece of content I have to share with you is actually a video of myself. You may have gathered by now that I believe I am one of the future leaders of America. I believe that I was born to restore hope and love to humanity by sharing my story, my knowledge and my network of conscious lightworkers with the world. I have been working within the festival industry for many years and I truly believe that bringing more exposure to these gatherings plays a huge role in the evolution of humanity in a positive direction. At transformational festivals, there is nothing but L O V E in the air. It is a judgment free zone where people can come learn about sustainability, they can connect with other community members and healers, dance the night away, and dress in whatever funkly clothes they want. You can easily be a corporate business man or woman by day, and a fuzzy pink bear by night. This youthful freedom of expression truly does free the soul and feeds the heart magical healing energy.

The video I have chosen to show you is not one of my festival adventures, however. It is a video that recaps some of my journey toward this dream of mine; to bring a new form of conscious, positive media and entertainment to the masses. While my masterpiece is still very much in the works, my enrollment at Full Sail Univeristy for Media Communications is guiding me through the process of creating a YouTube series that will one day air on Netflix, as well as a book about my life that will resonate with millions of people, espeically young women who have survived the modeling industry like I did (barely). I know my story is going to resonate with so many people, and I am not afraid to put myself out there in my complete raw, authentic, vulerable state. I have 200+ hours of video content, as I have been documenting my spiritual awakening process for years both in festivals and in society. Now it is time for me to utilize this quarentine period to put my story together to share with the world. As I rise into my leadership role, I will build an army of lightworkers who are also here to create positive change and restore Earth to her natural state of love and harmony.

Whenever I am feeling lost, I rewatch this video. It reminds me of where I have been, the level of determination I have within me, and where I am headed. When I mentioned before about the Twin Flame dynamic and how it brings out the dark night of the soul, I was speaking directly from personal experience. After moving to Arizona on a whim, being guided by Spirit toward my mission, I was united with my Twin Flame and it took me to the darkest places I have ever been. I completely lost my sense of self, my self-esteem, my self-confidence, and at some points I had even lost all hope in my future. I wont go too deep into detail, other than I am now beginning to find my light again and with content like Twin Flame Revolution, friends like Taylor and photos like the one I had taken, and past content that I have created that reminds me of who I truly am, I am able to hold on to my dream and am reminded that I have a purpose, and I am not alone.

I hope this article has brought a dose of inspiration and light into your life. If you'd like to continue following my on my journey, you can find me across all social media accounts @bosskatie. Together we can make a difference. Together we can teach the world to love again.

Thank you.

Katie Shay (aka @bosskatie)


About the Creator

Katie Shay

Conscious Influencer

Content Creator







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