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Living an Extraordinary Life

Remembering that everyone has a story just as incredible as those books you read.

By Daisy RayPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Let me tell you a story before we talk about yours:

{I promise it’s relevant ❤️}

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was perceived to be perfect. She did as her parents and her teachers said because she learned early that she tended to get right where she wanted to be by making friends with the right people. As a child, the right people were always the adults in charge. She always had the right answer, or so it seemed. She wasn’t as perfect as she seemed, there was a porcelain mask covering what was really going on within herself. When she was little, she lied like a pro, and learned that it wasn’t wrong if you didn’t get caught; so, she decided to never get caught. She was terrified of fire and robbers... of things she couldn’t control. She didn’t always think nice thoughts, but all of this was hidden behind her mask because everyone expected her to be perfect. Or so it seemed. One day, something incredible happened to her and her life was changed forever, she found a purpose and meaning in her life and her lies turned to truth and her fear turned to courage. She went through a lot, that girl... through sadness and death of loved ones, through her only friends moving or falling away, she made new incredible friends and she found hope in the same thing that gave her courage. But still, life was hard... she fell in love in another country and spent a year with who she thought was the man of her dreams. He was so close to proposing to her and he even asked her a month before if she had any second thoughts, and even though she definitely did have second thoughts... she fell into her old habits from her childhood and told him what he wanted to hear. She lied, and said she had no doubts. A week before he proposed, she came clean and told him she wasn’t ready to get married. A few days later, the man she loved so much broke up with her. Her lies, despite good intentions, had caught up with her...

She discovered a renewed sense of purpose after the tears from the breakup. She was determined to chase her dreams... She wanted to travel the world, change lives, impact women, and she was so excited for what awaited in her future. She kicks butt as a Black Belt and martial artist in multiple martial arts, and uses that to pursue her passion and dreams.

{That is definitely not all of my story so far in life, but it’s a good, tiny summary of a part of it.}

Everyone Really Has An Interesting Story??

So my story may not seem interesting to some and may be interesting to others, but if I took one tiny aspect from my story, even just narrated one day of my life, it would be just like a story in a book with humor and stress and drama or chaos or calm. I believe everyone has a story, and when they use their experience from their story to help others, that’s when all the crazy they’ve been through really makes a huge impact. Your neighbor has a story, they could have many dead bodies in their closet. (Figurative or literal, who knows unless you were to ask.) Your parents, sister, cat, friend, enemy, the cashier at Walmart (amazing people): All of them have stories from their lives that could fill many chapter books.


So, if our lives could be written as stories in books for people generations down the line to read... what would you want your story to be about? Did you live the extraordinary life you always dreamed? Or did you hide it your comfortable life or in the safety of the easy way? Do life big, be an influence, don’t let everyone around you decide your story. My story started with a porcelain mask, that mask has shattered because there’s no way I can make a difference by trying to keep everyone happy and thinking the best of me. I just have to be myself, and wherever that takes me, I’m excited for the adventure and I’m in love with the idea of living an extraordinary life worthy of a great novel.

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Look at the people around you, discover their story, who they are and what their “book” is about. Invest in those people and make yourself a main character in their story. Through investing in their stories, your story can only become greater.

Fall in love with the idea of where your story is headed, and help impact the stories of those around you. Figure out who your main characters are; are you a main character in their story, too? What about those who adore you that you barely even see? Open your eyes, think a little differently, and read a book.


About the Creator

Daisy Ray

I believe the world can be changed simply through the power of a smile.

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