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Lessons Learned From Small Things

Sometimes the smallest things can mean the biggest progress.

By KaciePublished 6 years ago 3 min read
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Dear Vocal Readers,

Oh fears, we all know how crazy some of our greatest fears are or have been. You would be surprised to see just how much your fears have changed over the years, though. I know that there are things I used to be afraid of when I was a child, and things that have crept up later in life. Whether you only hated clowns as a kid or still have that lingering fear, I'm sure there have been changes to what scares you.

Today I had an experience that lasted about two minutes, but it felt like years of work had been put into those two measly minutes. Like many others in the world I have never liked spiders. I wouldn't say I'm at the arachnophobia level, but there have been times where the fear felt that high. Spiders are helpful for the environment and do have a special place in the world, but the moment I see one in my house all of that is thrown out the window. My instincts scream at me to run away or kill it, there are no other options and this thing has to be gone now.

So my whole life has been full of either killing spiders myself, or having someone else do it for me. To those of you who don't mind spiders I know this may seem dumb to you, for someone to be afraid of something so tiny. But we all have our random, irrational fears and I would love to think about spiders the way you do. There have been times where I try not to kill them, but they have been few and far between. That's why today was such a shock to me.

Today, I saw a spider. I know, crazy right?! It just appeared right before my eyes in my bathroom. Hanging from a web on the shower rod he sat (And no, I don't know it's actual gender but saying "he" just feels right in the situation). I had just been in there earlier and was floored that the little guy was able to make a web so fast. Then, I reacted. Strangely though, my reaction was calm. I wasn't in some panic to have it out of my sight. I actually felt bad for him! He was one of the tiniest spiders I have ever seen, and I'm not going to lie my reaction would have been completely different if he had been a bit bigger.

Next thing I know, I've grabbed a Dixie cup and I'm trying to get him inside. He goes in pretty easily and doesn't move around nearly as much as I thought he would. I go down the stairs a bit quicker than I'd like to admit because keep in mind I still don't like spiders. I rush to the front door and see a whole flock of birds fly away as I spook them with the sudden movement. The sun is shining and the weather feels nice, considering I haven't left the house all day it felt great. I kneel down and set the cup on my stoop. The little guy quickly runs out and I see him scurry around. The birds have relocated into the bushes around my house and I hear their movements all around.

This was pretty close to a perfect moment for me. The day was gorgeous and nature was in full bloom. I was able to do something that contradicted my fear of spiders, and in a small way was able to overcome it. This just goes to show that we are capable of doing amazing things, things that we would have never imagined ourselves doing. Our fears, while terrifying obstacles in our lives, can be conquered even by taking the littlest steps. So just know that even the impossible can be possible, and we can all grow and better ourselves. Welcome the positive change in your life, and appreciate it.

Sincerely from my ever-changing mind,



About the Creator


Just an aspiring writer trying to gain experience :)

Follow my adorable kitties on Instagram and Tiktok @joethehoe.finnforthewin <3

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