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Leaving The Matrix

The weeks leading up to...

By Alicia WatkinsPublished 4 years ago 7 min read
Spiritual awakening symptoms | Diary of Tips for Success in Life

Once you wake up there's no going back echo's in my brain whenever I think about my time in the matrix.

During my spiritual awakening, I heard Ralph Smart YouTuber from Infinite Waters, mention this and I don't think I fully grasped what he was putting down until I did.

When I was trapped in the matrix, I was working at an IT start-up - the atmosphere was great - it was a party company. There was store they would stock will all sorts of treats and snacks - you could even request anything you want and oh yea there was a kitchen too.

During the first couple of months, I asked myself is this job somewhere I can see myself for the next 5 years or even the foreseeable future? The answer was no. I knew within the first 3 or 4 months of my employment that I wouldn't be working there anymore. I knew that I was meant for so much more.

Work began to feel more like a prison-like I was trapped with no way out. I couldn't just quit without having a plan or income, while at the same time I liked the people I worked with. It was tough. As new people got hired more irrational situations occurred which I don't care to discuss, let's just say that the environment overtime became very toxic. Before that, I never really felt like I belonged or fit in. My thinking was just different and most people agreed with the "majority" - they were stuck on the 3D believing in everything they were told.

In one discussion, I talked about how much I love the artist B.O.B - I talked about his new song at the time called Soul Glo. He did a Coming to America Theme which I loved, the message behind the song was extremely powerful. I mentioned it to the 4 or 5 men who sat near me ( I was the only woman (black person) on my team. I was used to this because in the information tech field is pretty much dominated by men.) One person who shall remain nameless mentioned that he didn't like B.O.B because of his political views. Which to me didn't make any sense, what does that have to do with his ART? He's a genius. I don't believe I got a straight answer on that question just more matrix jargon. He went on to say that it was because B.O.B believed that the earth was FLAT!. So that's your reason? you're missing out on his beautiful music because he thinks the planet is a different shape?

I said don't share my point of view on what the shape of the earth is because I am not sure. I was told in school that the earth was globe or sphere but now I am not so sure what to believe. I have learned through my 25 years of living and through my spiritual awakening that you should question everything. I don't believe what I was taught in school because its HIS-tory not mine. (SB- apparently in schools they are teaching the young kids that the slaves went wilily on the ships.) I learned along my journey not to have a point to argue so when he tried to tell me what the science pointed to I didn't agree or disagree.

I could see right through to who he was, I could tell that every day he spent at this job he was dying inside. He was an artist, a director!! Why was he employed as a QA person? such a boring job!! I know that he took this job because someone told him his dreams of directing plays and films weren't realistic that he needed a real job. Hence his disposition about most things that were out of the box. He would say a lot of smart shit, and where I come from if you come out your face I'm going to PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE.

Kevin one of my good friends I worked with and sat right next to would say HUNNY are you a seat FILLER because you sure KNOW HOW TO PUT PEOPLE IN THEY SEATS!! lol, I love that so much!!

It was situations like this and more that made me realize I don't belong here either, I don't belong in this matrix with these bots. I used to isolate myself in (booths in a private area where you could bring your laptop and just be alone) for hours - even days. I couldn't deal with all the energy I was taken in, I could feel that these people weren't good that they didn't mean me any well. While at the same time I was realizing that I didn't want to work there anymore. I wanted to travel the world, film youtube videos, attend fashion shows, photoshoots, shop all over the world, go to award shows and eat the finest foods money can buy. How can I do that if 99% I am stuck at work for 40 hours a week, I only had 2 days to live and that wasn't enough for me?

As the months went by, closure to my departure I felt drained - lack of energy from going to work. I didn't mind doing the job; it was because I wasn't happy there. I would see number synchronicities every 10 to 15 mins it was insane!! The 999 or 99 or 9 would show up a lot - Angel number 9 is the completion or the closing of a chapter. It meant that something was ending but that it wasn't a bad thing, it was for me. The universe was preparing me, I knew it was going to happen I just didn't know when. The day before my dismissal I said right before I make a year at a job its always some bs, and its true.

I wanted to bring my friends with me along this journey, but I realized that they were on their path and I needed to let them be. When they realized that this place was no GOOD and they working there was like selling your SOUL. They will eventually leave.

No amount of money would ever make me want to go back and work for anyone. I am A BOSS - by nature. As my uncle would say: I AM TOO SMART FOR MY OWN GOOD!!

Another part of leaving the matrix is seeing numbers everywhere, 11:11 is a BIG ONE!! I have other experiences that I can fully explain but I am going to attempt to. I woke up one night or maybe I asleep and dreaming not sure. I went through Facebook and I remember seeing my timeline going through like I have seen these same posts before but it was my first time seeing it. Things like this unexplainable - glitches in the matrix. I would be thinking about someone and they would emerge or I would think about a song and I would hear it. I meet another deep diver - which is rare because not a lot of people know him. When I went out and met new people they understood, interstood and overstood where I was coming from. I knew it was confirmation from the universe. I was on the right path!! I could feel it.

Moments like that gave me hope - allowed me to TRUST THE PROCESS of what was happening. When things unfolded I just remained calm and let things play out. I accepted responsibility for all of my actions and forgive myself and others who wronged me.

During my time in the matrix, I read a lot of books!! Most of them taught me one central truth!!



About the Creator

Alicia Watkins

Freelance Content Creator/Writer - Observation, inspiration, and determination are my foundation for success.

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