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Keep Notes For Your Streaks Because You Should Write About Them

What I’ve learned after 8765 days of living? I’ve learned that I need to keep notes about my streaks…

By Giorgos PantsiosPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Keep Notes For Your Streaks Because You Should Write About Them
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

So, you stumbled upon a trending story today called Lessons from writing for 60 days straight and you wondered. Why didn't I kept notes for my 90 days streak as well? I should have, I could write about this!

I’m with you. I’ve done various streaks in the past, but I didn't write any notes about them. They could turn into wonderful stories, I’m telling you.

You may be able to relive the moment you were a beginner on that habit you started, but what about the details? The details matter! People want to know about them, so they can follow you and your streak gracefully.

Thankfully, My first ever story on Medium was a Beginner’s guide for beginners on Medium. Now, I can compare it to my 21 tips for the 2021 guide and witness the evolution I had in real-time.

But for other streaks, I didn’t keep any notes…

What about you? Did you keep any notes?

If no, here are some of the reasons why you should consider keeping notes about your streaks.

Your Expertise

You know what’s the difference between someone who writes for a year and someone who writes for a day?

364 more days of experience.

The person who wrote for a year has a tremendous amount of experience for beginners to drain from.

If you do want to write the next trending piece of advice for readers, hold on to it. Give yourself more time and experience and you’ll eventually end up creating a piece worthy of being trending.

You can read my article on How Will Your Life Look Without Technology for 15 Days.

Why is it important? Because people want to know what will happen with their time if they end up investing it in the first place.

You may don't want to sacrifice 15 days of your precious life in something that you don't know the worth of. But if someone else did it, you’ll learn about their insights. What was the verdict of their streaks?

Your Experience Over Others

Now, what’s the difference between someone who writes for a year and someone who writes for two years?

365 more days of experience…But add 365 more.

The more experience you have, the more people will prefer your story over others.

And while it’s not bad to write a story as a beginner experienced, don't expect it to go trending. It’s mostly a milestone reached and mentioned.

I know I will write my case study for every month of Medium, but I believe that I can be trending after months of success and experience, not now, yet.

As a gamer, I have a simple analogy to present to you.

Imagine you, the person who wants to write about their streak, being in an RPG world.

You are level 20, and your insights will interest people in 19 other levels below you. Now, there’s this old gamer in the lobby. He is at level 80. Maxed out, he is about to give insights that will benefit people in 79 other levels.

Who is more likely to go trending?

You Keep Notes, You Build an Unbreakable Force

I started working out in November, after another lockdown here in Greece.

I’m about to write my insights after working out for 84 days straight.

Why 84 days?

Well, it's 4 times more than 21 days… And you can build a habit in 21 days.

I was tracking my progress. Pictures, weight, reps I could achieve. Now, I can’t stop. And for the greater good…My body was never that strong, and I feel healthy to abandon such a great habit.

If you start keeping notes, you will subconsciously begin to be more eager to continue with your new habit.

Help Yourself to Help Others

Keeping notes on your streaks has ultimately two more advantages. The one is for you, the other one is for others. And as the title says, by helping yourself you will help others.

You can tweak your streak as you go. As mentioned before, I started working out in November. Since then, I managed to fix my posture when exercising, a common mistake for beginners. When I started writing my writing was all over the place. I deleted most of the stories I didn’t like. But I kept track of the mistakes I did, for you.

By helping yourself, you are bound to bring better tips to others. Your kept notes will become lessons for beginners to advance faster than you. If we are about to leave a mark in this world, it better be something that others can use.

The lessons you’ve learned in one year of writing are meant for others to not make when they begin, right?

I’m all about getting better, faster. So if you have a better insight that I need to take a look at, so be it!

Final Thoughts

The process of keeping notes of your streaks sounds odd for a beginner. Your first notes will be bad, you will laugh at them after months, but that's the point.

The point is to make others not laugh at themselves as well when they begin. To show them what you changed after days, months, or years.

We are only better than our previous versions, and other people we’ll be our previous versions at some point.

Do you want to help them?

If yes, keep notes of your streaks.

Originally published on Medium


About the Creator

Giorgos Pantsios

Fulltime Writer | Fulltime learner | Polymath from Greece | Exploring life | Modern Philosopher | Phone Photographer

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