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Please stop it, at once

By Liliana MorenoPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
No more hateful comments please!

We all have been in a situation where we can't handle it anymore. We humans, can’t handle pain anymore. Some people don't know how much pain we have in our lives. In our hearts. In our minds. You just want to keep hurting people with words. You don't realize the pain you are causing other people. Please stop with this at once! You, yes you, you are no one to be judging people how to live their life. Or how to dress. You are nobody to judge. Most of us like to say hateful comments not knowing if they do or not hurt the person receiving it. Let me just ask you one question, why would you even say words like this to another person? You don't know how they are living their life. You don't know if they are struggling in life. You don’t know if they have a proper meal to eat. You don’t know if they have enough food of water to survive. You judge on the outside. You never see a person on the inside. Whenever you see this you are probably saying to yourself in your mind “I wouldn’t want to be with that person because he looks poor” What if they are struggling with financial problems? No! you just want to judge. You are just hurting them instead of trying to help them. Trying to make them feel better. Like they do belong here. You don't know how they are getting treated at home.

And you still manage to put those awful words in your mouth to say it to someone who they are in need? How can you have the capacity to say it to them? Why would you say it to them? These are the questions I keep asking myself everyday. How would you have the guts to say someone "Go kills yourself," or even saying "You're not worthy of living" excuse me? Who are you to be telling people whether they should live or they should die? For example, I kept hearing people say this “ I think you should go die. Nobody wants you”? NO! you are no one to be saying that. Of course, you don't give a crap about no one else's feelings except yours right? You only care about your life and nobody else. Nobody should be treated like this.

You know what people do. Whenever I feel down, whether a family drama comes up or even a break up happens out of nowhere. Supposedly everyone is there for you. NO! Why in the world would they care now that you guys broke up with that person you deeply love. They only care what happened, why did you guys break up? Whenever this happened I wanted someone to be there for me. Someone who had my back. Out of 30 people who said they “cared” and that they were going to be there for me. Only 2 people actually stayed there for me throughout the whole thing. And for a fact, they are still there for me like I’m there for them.

How about this. What if I told you those exact words. How would you feel? Yes, maybe you won't feel anything because you don't give a damn about it. You are heartless. But other people can only take a small portion of the pain they feel. They can only take a little bit because they have so much on their plate. And now they have to deal with another problem saying lies about them. Saying that you are a slut. Saying that you are a whore. Knowing that they are lies. But yes, nobody will believe you but that’s how society is. Now in days, we believe the person who said those words to that girl or boy. Why? I don’t have an answer to that question. But probably they just want to have more power but in reality, you don’t have power. Sadly we don’t stick up for ourselves. Of course, you won’t defend yourself because it’s not true. Why would you even try to defend yourself? Let them talk crap about you because, in reality, you are the bigger person. You aren’t letting those lies get to you. Like for instance, me. It was extremely hard but I managed to put those pieces of me and glue them back together with the help of those two caring people. Now I’m doing great. Please listen to me. Think before you act. Before it’s too late.


About the Creator

Liliana Moreno

Throughout the years I had trouble talking about my emotions. I began to write. It was a relief knowing that maybe, just maybe, my stories will help people that is in need.

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