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Jeremia Renee

A Story of Learning Self Worth, Love, and Succeeding Through Racism

By Amy PhilbertPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

A few years ago, I met Mrs. Jeremia Renee at a gathering for actors, producers, musicians-a collaborative party for everyone in the entertainment industry. I remember sitting at a table alone, just sort of people watching as I normally do, to see who I would consider collaborating with, based off conduct and talent. Jeremia walked over to me and struck up a conversation and I ended up sitting with her at her table and we talked about what we did, our passions for the industry and so forth, and from that moment on, I felt an instant connection to her. Jeremia has this wonderful kindness about her and I could tell that her energy and way of being were so genuine. I stayed in touch with Jeremia, and very shortly after, she had me on her show, World Changer Wednesday, which is a live streaming interview via Facebook, and now is available via YouTube. I've watched Jeremia grow over the years in her personal life and as a business woman, and I am so excited to share her story of self love, self worth, pushing through as a business woman, and being at the top, now obtaining interviews herself with CBS, FOX and NBC networks. Jeremia is skyrocketing to the top as a motivational speaker as well as Singer/Songwriter, with more than 140,000 views via Facebook on just one single. Read her inspiring story below!

Q & A

Question: As the owner of World Changer Wednesday, can you tell us what the purpose of your business is and what positive impact it has on the black community?

Jeremia: Well first and foremost being a “black” woman in today's world is no easy task. For years I struggled to find my own self worth, with little to no representation of women who looked like me in media and magazines. I hated my reflection and I wanted to look like what I saw represented as beauty on television and media. The Foundation of a World Changer to me, is someone who has realized their worth, and with that knowledge began the journey to self awareness and belief in their ability to make all their dreams reality.

Question: What inspired you to create World Changer Wednesday?

Jeremia: The idea came to me one day when I had started a credit business and I wanted to build up my client base. I had seen the way systemic racism and barriers had kept people financially illiterate and I craved for an outlet to allow others to tell their story of success. I knew that by building relationships with others, I would gain a trust in the marketplace that I hadn't yet established for myself. So, with my knees shaking, I went live for the first time with a message and the rest is history.

Question: You often speak about self love; can you tell us why this is so important to you? What happened to make this such an important thing for you to preach?

Jeremia: Great Questions: Self-love, more so, self worth, is the very foundation of World Changer Wednesday. A World Changer to me is someone who has realized the value from within and has filled their own cup and they are now able to pour out their life for others. It's based on the golden rule “love your neighbor as you “love yourself”. I believe each individual is a representation of God in the flesh, as God living in YOU, through YOU as YOU. Equipped with the knowledge of self, you can change the world because now you are reflecting that which is GOD and with GOD (inner knowing) all things are possible.

Question: How many children do you have and how does running World Changer Wednesday impact your family life?

Jeremia: I have 5 and I've been able to be very strategic with the way I work. I tend to have scattered thoughts, so I'm learning to batch and get things done in a more organized fashion. I've also been able to hire a team of experts who have given me some valuable wisdom from the ages. My children keep me busy, but I have a ton of help and resources which I’m extremely grateful for.

Question: What would you say is the most personally inspiring interview you have ever done with someone and why did their interview resonate with you so deeply?

Jeremia: Man that's a hard one because I have valuable takeaways from each of my guests including you (Amy Philbert (Serna)! But I would say this season, it was Adonijah Niles, the author of “But Mommy I Need You”. We had met during a Be on Tv Bootcamp and were partners. We spent a few hours just talking about her story and what she'd been through; being incarcerated and the mental toughness it took her to literally pull herself out of a ditch... Her story hit me at my core. She inspired my song "Believer" and she posted a video of herself after having done the big chop, which for a black women is a huge statement. She is a life long friend and an interview I will always remember.

"being a “black” woman in today's world is no easy task. For years I struggled to find my own self worth, with little to no representation of women who looked like me in media and magazines. I hated my reflection and I wanted to look like what I saw represented as beauty on television and media."- Jeremia Renee

Question: On top of owning World Changer Wednesday, we know you are a singer as well. What inspires your music?

Jeremia: Life. The ebbs and flows, love, sex, heat, passion, resiliency. My latest song "Believer", which is coming in at over 140,000 views on Facebook, was inspired by the fight to see the God within me rise to the forefront. We've been conditioned to believe we were created inferior to God, when really we are the gods creating our reality by the thoughts that we think and the words that we speak. The scriptures proclaim these emphatic statements that Jesus made. Yet we've only been taught that we have to wait for someone else to save us when the whole time we had the key to unlock the chains holding us captive. These narratives are what inspire my life and my music. I am on a mission to set captives free.

Question: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Jeremia: Staying Free. Doing what I please, going where I please, being as I please. Music topping charts all over the World, Grammys, Oscars, Emmys, the World is my stage. I’m creating the best life possible for me and my family legacy. Before I leave here, I will have made a major imprint on this planet and that makes me happy.

Question: Do you feel that you have experienced racism as a business owner? If so, how? And how did you handle it?

Jeremia: I felt it in the beginning, but as I became more self-aware and confident within myself, I stopped reflecting fear of what others thought and it was as if I elevated to a higher dimension of conscious awareness where it no longer existed. I would affirm to myself daily that the world is kind to me and the people I meet want to assist me, and surprisingly enough that is what manifested in my reality. I'm a firm believer in that what you believe, you manifest, and there is no limit to what you can accomplish living in a higher state of mind. All is mind. As within so without.

Question: Who are your greatest influencers to keep you pushing towards your dreams and goals?

Jeremia: My whole team of Ancestors, Gods, Goddesses, the Universe lol. I'm serious, there's a whole lot of them. My children and both my Mothers.

Question: You were recently interviewed via NBC, CBS, and FOX. How were those experiences for you and did you ever think you would make it to that level?

Jeremia: I always knew I was destined for greatness. I've learned to leave the how in the hands of God. I've just learned to trust and that has been the greatest lesson I've learned thus far. I just have full assurance that I can accomplish anything.

Question: You also own your own photography business and are an author. Can you dip in and tell us more about those aspects of your creativity?

Jeremia: Well, I started doing photography back in 2012 when my kids were little, just to capture all the growing moments. It turned into a business because I guess I became pretty good lol. I just didn't monetize it the way I could've because I didn't believe in myself back then. Then, in 2018 I wrote my first self published book entitled “Mother of Pearl- A Memoirs Guide to Self Love”. It was a piece of work that caused me to excavate some deep emotions. I wrote a song with it that I may add to my upcoming album. Writing for me has always been an outlet and I'm grateful for where the journey has taken me.

Question: What words of advice would you have to the black community, especially the youth, who are dreamers of becoming an entrepreneur, but are experiencing racism and/or poverty and think it may not be obtainable for them?

Jeremia: Show them who you are. Self awareness is key. Knowing you have the power within you to create worlds will make you unstoppable. Our DNA is equipped with all the power of our ancestors and the entire universe combined. With that power inside you, there is absolutely nothing that can stop you, but YOU. Go and slay! Everything is possible!

"I always knew I was destined for greatness." - Jeremia Renee


About the Creator

Amy Philbert

I am a plus size Model, Actress, Filmmaker, Writer, Blogger, podcast Co-Host, Casting Director and Interviewer who is just trying to shed some light on a world that can sometimes feel dark.

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