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In Times of Stress

Things One Can Do

By Cheryl A Nocera Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Making A Better Life

In times of stress we feel flustered, anxious, like the world around us is unraveling, and we cannot keep up. This was my world up until three years ago. In my mid forties I was working 7 days a week, 5 days I worked 8.5 hours, and the other two I worked 18 hours. There were times I thought I was just going to drop. When I was going through the craziness of exhaustion there were other parts of my life that were even worse. Just because you are tired problems do not stop. Instead the opposite. Life just kept getting harder, and I was like a suction cup to problems.

I knew had to make a change. Here are some things I did to turn my life around.

1. Stopped working so much.

2. I started having me time (being selfish).

3. Reiki

4. Surrounded myself with good friends, thoughts, healthier life style, and

better attitude.

5. Turned my suction cup to better energy.

In times of stress we attract more stress. Imagine yourself being a beacon sending messages to the universe. What kind of messages do you think are being sent when you are feeling like you are going to explode? Stress = more stress. Even if you tried to sit and relax you cannot. As we know, it is impossible to live a life without a stress, or problems. How can we combat this horrid feeling?

One thing I noticed when I really put effort into changing my life around. I stopped caring about what my actions did to others. If I have to worry about how to act, if I put something in a wrong place, or if I missed a step in something I have done. If I am not hurting anyone who cares, not me. As I got older, I got wiser in the sense that I can only live my life the way I know how not how I should. Life is too confusing to get wrapped up in to something you cannot control. Truth is people are going to have a problem with you either way.

Anyway, getting back to the beacon sending messages. What if you try to feel happy when you can. Try five minutes of alone time feeling happy, or thinking of nothing. Even if you are sitting in your car, train, bus,or Uber. Just drift off, and think of nothing. Maybe a week later try more time doing that. Sit in nature feel the breeze, hear the birds, and look at the sky. If you are near a beach, listen and watch the waves crash by. All of these are great feelings that can help your beacon turn around sending good messages to the universe.

It is unrealistic to think all your problems will go away over night. However, this will bring you down a good path to a better life. No, you are not going to hit the lottery, but you will see things turn around.

I know none of what I just wrote is easy, and no it does not happen over night. Try going to bed every night thinking about good and not the bad. You can also check out my podcast Why Are So Many People Broken? [email protected]

Cheryl A Nocera


About the Creator

Cheryl A Nocera

I am an educator, writer, photographer, and singer song writer. I have a podcast [email protected], and talk show CTS: Cheryl's Talk Show on Spotify I love to share & learn new things. Come join me on this adventure.

Cheryl A Nocera

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