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In the current era

In our social media-driven world

By saqibali Solangi009Published 12 months ago 6 min read

In the current era

In the current era, we find ourselves in a peculiar time. People residing in countries that seem to possess the most feel as though they have the least, while individuals living in countries with ample reasons to be happy appear to have the lowest levels of happiness. The question arises: why is this so? Is it due to constant comparison?

In our social media-driven world

In our social media-driven world, the act of comparing ourselves to others has become pervasive. It instills a sense of never being enough, as there will always be someone better in some aspect. Comparison acts as a thief of joy. It is crucial to avoid comparing ourselves to others, for no matter how extraordinary we are, if we fail to appreciate who we are and what we have, happiness will always elude us. There will always be someone with more wealth, better achievements, greater physical fitness, or enhanced physical appearance. The moment we engage in comparisons, we set ourselves up for perpetual disappointment.

One must recognize that others can never possess the unique qualities and attributes that make us who we are. Our greatest asset lies in our individuality. When we embrace and freely express ourselves, we experience the true essence of living. The less we care about comparisons, the happier we become.

Unhappiness and depression often stem from focusing on what we lack, rather than appreciating what we already possess. By shifting our perspective to gratitude and focusing on our desired destinations, we can experience an instant improvement in our well-being. Appreciation and gratitude hold immense power in combating depression and low states of mind. It is impossible to simultaneously feel deep gratitude and negativity. However, it is important to note that genuine gratitude goes beyond mere verbal expression; it is a heartfelt emotion. Scientific research supports the notion that gratitude and depression cannot coexist.

Another crucial principle that aids those battling depression and anxiety is the realization that these conditions are not present at all times. They are selective experiences, occurring intermittently amid a backdrop of conditioned thoughts and triggers. Even in the depths of depression, brief moments of laughter, hope, happiness, connection, and love can emerge. Acknowledging these moments becomes vital, as they serve as reminders that depression and anxiety need not be permanent states. By understanding the functioning of our brains and minds, we can navigate toward more positive experiences and long-term well-being.

Comparison poses another significant challenge, especially in the age of social media. With filters and embellishments, individuals present idealized versions of themselves, often omitting the struggles that cause them pain. The happiest people, however, refrain from comparing themselves to others. They focus on running their own race, allowing others to do the same. Happy individuals understand that they don't necessarily possess the best of everything; instead, they make the best of everything. They embrace the reality that life rarely unfolds according to plan. It is our response to life's events that shapes our overall life quality.

Consider this: throughout history, there have undoubtedly been individuals who faced immense suffering and depression yet managed to transform their lives into something extraordinary and enviable. The pain experienced during depression originates from our thoughts about our current life situations, rather than the events themselves. By changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. We can utilize pain as a catalyst for personal growth.

The key principle in overcoming unhappiness and depression is to shift our focus from the depression itself. Instead, we should concentrate on where we aspire to be, the emotions we desire to feel, and the person we aim to become. Working towards these goals propels us forward. Imagine the elation of having all aspects of life fall into place. Creating a compelling future and discovering a greater purpose for our lives is one of the swiftest paths out of depression. When we genuinely anticipate our future, misery dissipates, and we can release the weight of the past.


Maintaining a sense of fear and setting meaningful goals are essential factors in our journey. Fear keeps us motivated, while meaningful goals drive us to work towards something that excites us. It is crucial not to become attached to specific outcomes or material possessions. Instead, we should find excitement in the personal growth and development we undergo, as well as the positive impact we can have on others by creating an extraordinary life for ourselves.

By living a happier life, we become an example for others. We can inspire those around us and contribute to their well-being. Ultimately, our own happiness ripples outward and positively affects the lives of those we encounter.

In these challenging times, it is crucial to recognize the detrimental effects of comparison, appreciate what we have, and focus on our own unique journey. By cultivating gratitude, shifting our mindset, setting meaningful goals, and embracing our individuality, we can navigate through unhappiness and depression towards a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Remember, happiness is not a destination to be reached but a state of being to be cultivated. It lies within us, waiting to be discovered and nurtured. Let us embark on this journey of self-discovery and embrace the power we possess to shape our own happiness and well-being.

In the ever-evolving landscape of our lives, it is vital to acknowledge the profound impact of comparison and its potential to steal our joy. In today's digital age, where social media reigns supreme, the temptation to compare ourselves to others is stronger than ever. We find ourselves incessantly measuring our worth against others, forever chasing an idealized version of happiness.

However, the truth is that comparison is an insidious thief of joy. No matter how great we are or how many achievements we accumulate, if we constantly gauge our self-worth based on others' accomplishments, we will forever find ourselves lacking. There will always be someone with more wealth, better looks, or superior achievements. This endless cycle of comparison only serves to erode our own happiness and contentment.

The key to breaking free from this destructive pattern is to shift our focus inward. True happiness and fulfillment lie in embracing our uniqueness and celebrating our individuality. We are not meant to be replicas of others but distinct beings with our own set of strengths, talents, and aspirations. When we embrace our authentic selves and accept that we are enough as we are, we pave the way for genuine happiness to blossom.

Furthermore, gratitude and appreciation hold immense power in combating unhappiness and depression. By cultivating a mindset of appreciation for what we do have rather than fixating on what we lack, we invite a sense of contentment and fulfillment into our lives. Research has shown that gratitude and depression cannot coexist within us simultaneously. By actively practicing gratitude, we rewire our minds to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and experience a profound shift in our overall well-being.

Additionally, it is crucial to recognize that happiness is not contingent upon external circumstances alone. It is a state of being that transcends material possessions or life events. Rather than waiting for the perfect conditions to be happy, we must choose to find joy in the present moment and make the best of every situation.

Life is a tapestry woven with both triumphs and tribulations. Challenges and obstacles are an inherent part of the human experience. How we respond to these circumstances is what truly defines the quality of our lives. Instead of succumbing to despair when things don't go as planned, we can choose to view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. It is through resilience, perseverance, and a positive outlook that we can navigate through life's uncertainties and emerge stronger and more fulfilled.

Ultimately, the path to lasting happiness lies within us. By letting go of comparison, embracing our uniqueness, cultivating gratitude, and adopting a resilient mindset, we unlock the doors to a life filled with purpose, contentment, and genuine joy. Let us embark on this transformative journey and create a life that is a testament to our own authentic happiness.

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