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Importance of Today!

Learn From Yesterday Today to Build Tomorrow!

By Diane Mary MarkeyPublished 8 months ago 9 min read
Importance of Today!
Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless. Your health is wealth. Your time is gold. Unknown

The timeless in you is aware of life’s timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream. Khalil Gibran, the Prophet

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. H. Jackson Brown

Quote and image by

Today is the most important day of your life — live it wisely!

Are you ready for the journey of your lifetime? Are you ready to take a leap of faith in yourself? Well, let’s go! Your future depends on what your present does today! So, you had better get it right, yes? You are going to have fun today! But intention, purpose and skill are needed by you. Let’s go?

Now, here’s a precious gem you need to take with you on your journey. This moment, yes, this very moment. Today, yes, today is the only thing you can control. So, control it you must! The past is done and gone. And the future hasn’t happened yet. Today is now and happening. WOW!

Well foot on the pedal and here you go! Today is all you have, so use it wisely! Yes, you use your past as a classroom of very important lessons to take with you. And your future can be used as your compass to set your heading by.

You will need a target to reach, a map to guide you — your future! Be aware the future is not set in cement. What you do today determines what happens tomorrow.

Now perhaps, you use some nugget of your past as a helper here. Sooner rather than later. Shall we call this — Discipline. So by using ‘discipline’ you’ll not “put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”

You’re not that type — you don’t make excuses. You don’t wait for the right time. For you today is the right time! Now is the right moment! You have realized that TODAY is filled with an infinite number of possibilities. Each one of these has a different path leading to an unknown destination. Your Future! You know who you want to be, and what you want to accomplish. Today is the Most Important Day of Your Life!

You want to make today count! Well let’s face it bad things happen and sadly they will happen to you.

The important thing being you have total control over how you respond to and deal with bad things.

Very appropriate image and quote from:

When tomorrow comes your memories from today will be good ones and you can congratulate yourself a little. You dared to take on the bad things and control your responses. Today you built a bright and fulfilling tomorrow. Tomorrow will be an Amazing Today!

Every moment you spend today is precious and once spent you cannot get it back. Today will bring people into your life and activities done with them showing how much they mean to you.

Now, remember each moment moves on and cannot be retrieved. So take care! Treat the people in your life knowing you have one chance to live in this moment. One chance and one chance only, so don’t waste it.

Today is an extra good day — a real good day. A close and dear friend has popped in with a freshly baked cake and a smile. It’s okay to feel such joy. To allow yourself all the happy emotions.

This journey has offered you the gift of happiness as a lesson for tomorrow. So, what other lessons have today taught you? You have good and bad things happen, we all do, this is life. You are in total control of your responses to the big and little things which happen in your today’s. You have enjoyed (I hope) your present and are indeed looking forward to your future.

You chose today to be an amazing day, ensuring it is going to be the very best day ever. So, just take a deep breath, relax a little and appreciate the sheer bliss of being alive!

For me amazing days are always early starters, appreciating God’s sunrise, birds singing and the dew fresh on the grass.

I dress in freshly ironed clothes and face a brand-new day. Yes, an Amazing New Day!

Being true to yourself will bring an Amazing Today, quote and image from:

Amazing days happen as you pamper yourself with small things along this journey making you feel good. Perhaps having your favourite music playing softly in the background (or not), whatever starting a brand new day brilliantly means for you.

Perhaps on this journey of today, you have a very short ‘to-do’ list ensuring tomorrow’s Amazing Today is what you plan. Remember along the path of this journey to pamper yourself a little. You and only you have this Today and only once and you are worth pampering a little, yes? And, maybe talk to someone you love….

This amazing day has provided you with moments where you embraced opportunities to take care of yourself. Self-care is vital. This time, these moments where you show and share compassion and love are the stepping stones for your tomorrows.

What else can you do to make today amazing? Perhaps share a special meal with dear friends and/or family. Take some time off around this special meal just to chat and catch up on old times. Laugh a lot and remember good times, perhaps. The significance of sharing this special meal is another lesson ensuring tomorrow will be an Amazing Today!

Now you are going to give thanks for the little things which happened in your Amazing Today.

When you took your little dog for her walk in the local park. You bumped into a dear friend you haven’t seen for quite a while. A little thing yes! But, WOW! What a wonder! The parts you have been waiting on for your sewing machine finally arrived. Now, you can continue on your heirloom patchwork quilt. A little thing yes! But, WOW! What a wonder! Your son came first in a school race and gave you a big hug. A little thing yes! But, WOW! What a wonder!

At the end of this Amazing Today, you added up all your little things and yes. Today is an Amazing day! Your future will be happily built on little things such as these. Today’s journey is certainly a journey worth taking….

Continuing on this journey of today something more essential — work needs to be done — tasks needs to be accomplished. Your daily work and tasks may not be the most exciting bits of this amazing day but are essential and you know it. Remember the sooner you start a task the sooner it is finished. You can then get back to doing the exciting bits.

Look through work and the tasks which are essential to finding what is making today amazing. And when these essentials are finished you have realized you do have total control and have used it wisely, once again. Today is an Amazing day, yes?

Create the best possible you — image and quote from:

And, if tomorrow’s today is not so bright you will use today’s lessons.

Amid dark stormy days you remember again you are in total control and face whatever comes head-on. The memories of your special times and moments are used as rays of sunshine to brighten dark days. Then before you know it. Tomorrow is once again another Amazing Today. Full of blue skies, sunshine, birds singing and yes, life is worth living.

So, your dark clouds will clear. The sun will shine. Tomorrow, Amazing Today will Come!

Well, you have set out on your journey of today knowing it is all you have. You have the power, the control of today. How you respond to the events and people in this one-and-only today. So, grab today with all you have and build tomorrow knowing when it arrives it will again be Today!

Remember every moment of this amazing today cannot be brought back. So do not waste a precious moment of today. Allowing yourself to feel all the emotions along the way. Taking your journey of today one step at a time, always heading forward to tomorrows of other Amazing Today’s.

To me there is nothing more beautiful than sunrise, a photo taken by Artem Sapagin from:

The sun rose on this Amazing day, as it does every day. It will set at the close of today.

What is important here is what you chose to do in the meantime. You have realized that you, and you alone, are in control of today. You have made the efforts for today to count for the rest of your life.

This Amazing Day was acknowledged by you as the gift it was. You embraced each opportunity presented to you today as potential. Pleasant or not, lessons learned and carried with you into tomorrow.

You have been given this Amazing Today and you made the most of it. Remembering the future, you depend on the present you. Do your best!

Tomorrow is another journey of Today with prospects both good and bad. So, the lessons learned will strengthen you and make it another Amazing Today!

So, perhaps get up early, and take a deep breath of early morning air. Listen to the morning birdsong and step into the adventure of your Amazing Today!

Beautiful Image of a Bird Singing photo taken by Andy Holmes from:

By listening and watching the people sharing your Amazing Today. You have seen pictures in your mind of where you would like your future ‘you’ to be.

The closing of this Amazing Today brings with it a time of reflection and gratitude.

Remember it is you in control of this day’s helm! Your tomorrow’s Amazing Today is determined by what you have accomplished today. Now did you achieve each goal you had planned for today? Did you spend a little time on the steps needed to accomplish each task? Or did your focus shift, did someone else call or need your time?

Reflecting and remembering are truly worth the effort. You will learn so much from what you have achieved and how you interacted with people. You have pampered yourself with the luxury of noticing what you have achieved by spending a few precious moments at the close of the day and reflecting. Yes, it was an Amazing Today!

Believe me, reflecting is a habit that is well worth your time and effort. You will see the wonder of you, once more. So, please do budget the extra few moments needed at the close of this Amazing day and use them wisely. You have all the treasured moments of this day.

Just a few precious moments to show you things in your day which may need a slight adjustment. Never would have picked on those without reflection. You didn’t miss out on this valuable lesson. You have yet another item to congratulate yourself on. WELL, DONE! You will find you will learn something new about yourself every day.

WOW!!! What a journey. What a life. You and I are blessed with Amazing Today’s. With the Total Control of What We do with them.

Life is a Journey photo taken by Maxime Horlaville from:

It is a responsibility I take seriously because it is the only chance I have to show God’s love to others. I cannot take back words or actions which hurt. Yes, I can apologize and ask for forgiveness. I strive to live my life not hurting others in the first place. Forgiveness is not then required. Life is Amazing yes! Perfect — No. But I am a better person than I was yesterday. And, I hopefully will be a better person tomorrow than I am today. All I can do is my best. And I do!

This story of hope is for all.

Everyone is in total control of the Today’s of their lives. We just need to realize this. Others try to take this control away at times. We must not let this happen. It happened to me for a while and life took the wrong course. Thankfully God got me back on track. I now lead my own life, but, He is always there when needed. Amen!

Life is Wonderful! photo was taken by John Towner from:

This article is also published in Medium.

If you found in it and its images, you enjoyed.

Please do forward me a comment, Diane Markey.

self help

About the Creator

Diane Mary Markey

I write short articles dedicated to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

All my articles as truly inspiring and have many Bible texts spread throughout.

My stories and simply written and easy to understand.

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