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If Gary Vee was from Detroit, he'd be Bucky Rogerz

But even better.

By PressOn.Published 4 years ago 3 min read
Desjuan "Bucky Rogerz" Jackson is a Detroit native.

His Positive Thinking

If Gary Vee was from Detroit, he’d be Bucky Rogerz. Coming from humble beginnings in Detroit, MI, Bucky had to work ten times as hard to get to where he is at. With members of his family and numerous friends doubting him and his ability to achieve success and working a nine to five while running his business, overcoming these circumstances was difficult. By God’s blessing, Bucky has achieved all the things he once dreamt of, and still is focused to achieve even more. He is now an artist and entrepreneur with his hand in many different types of businesses such as real estate and vending machines. Bucky sets himself apart from the others with his hard work and perseverance. It is hard enough for people to maintain success in one industry, but the visionary has done so in many different fields, which is why he is the epitome of entrepreneurship.

We had the privilege of interviewing him.

Q: Give an example of one personal motto of yours.

Bucky: Wake up and go hard. Let God handle the rest.

Q: I label you as a creative. If you could wrap up all of your talents into one role, what would it be? (I feel like you were going to say entrepreneur.)

Bucky: It definitely would be entrepreneur. I literally thrive off of relying on myself, my work ethic, my creativity, and my networking skills to get results. I would bet on myself before betting on a company or some corporation to take care of me...any day of the week. That’s an easy one.

Q: Who is your target market? You influence people online, but who is your audience?

Bucky: My target market is the everyday person who works a 9-5 but doesn’t believe they have the potential to be able to make money on their own. Usually, those people are middle class or lower. Also, people who may have money to invest in a side hustle or start their own business but they’re just scared or they don’t have the information to jump out there on their own. So I guess my audience in a nutshell, is the everyday person who works a job but believes there’s something better out there for them.

Q: Last question, what are some milestones you strive to achieve in your lifetime?

Bucky: Some milestones I will achieve my lifetime is being a millionaire, owning a co-workspace for up-and-coming entrepreneurs to come and get mentoring, record podcasts, and work with other entrepreneurs in the city. I also want to get to the point where I can offer a scholarship for business students or grants for entrepreneurs and people interested in this field.

Triumph over Tribulations

Bucky Rogerz is the next best motivator and influencer coming out of Detroit, MI. Finding somebody with the talent, skill, and unmatched work ethic that he has is next to impossible. He has most recently won the Entrepreneurial Excellence Award. Many people are drawn to him by what his definition of an entrepreneur is. Bucky defines an entrepreneur as someone who identifies a need that no existing business address and determines a solution for that need. Bucky also states that, “an entrepreneur who regularly launches new businesses, sells them and then starts new businesses is a serial entrepreneur.” If you are ever feeling defeated or lazy, reading some of Bucky’s inspiring posts will have you ready to achieve your goals in no time.

His inspiring captions and captivating words will garner your attention and keep it until you are feeling like you too can be at the top of the world.

Follow him on Instagram here | Check out his vending machine business here.

Credits - Contributor @MiddleEastSideTmo


About the Creator


3x author | Detroit, MI

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