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I'm Scared!

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared." - Eddie Rickenbacker

When we think about fear, we often relate it back to things such as snakes, spiders, heights, enclosed spaces, flying, darkness, storms, needles, and judgment. Despite all of these such things, one of the biggest fears that people have in life is one called decidophobia. Never heard of it? Well this fear doesn't necessarily bring about the same reaction as say how we would react to having a spider on us, or coming into close contact with a snake, and so on, if we had those relative phobias. The reason being is that we can easily escape from this fear, and as it then poses us no threat, then that fear becomes instantly isolated, and we feel that sense of comfort and relief once again. So what exactly is decidophobia? It is simply a fear of making decisions. Sounds a bit weak, hey? How can someone be scared of making decisions, you may ask, right? This could be any decision that one is confronted with, or one that needs to be made, but it more than often revolves around the bigger issues in life. The phobia itself can result in panic attacks, extreme anxiety, and severe stress, but as I mentioned above, because most people find a way to avoid making any decisions that may cause this anxiety, stress, and panic, it's not really a well renowned and discussed issue. The truth is, it is extremely common, proven by people's lack of action, which I will discuss more of in a minute. When we face circumstances in life that continually make us more and more uncomfortable, it's normally life giving us this subtle kick up the bum, telling us that we need to make changes. We are faced with internal decisions in our mind, rather than external decisions that are handed to us to be made. Because they don't have to be made, we feel comfort in the fact that we can therefore avoid them. It could be that we are in a relationship in which our partner is treating us poorly, or they are not being honest, or they are not supporting us, or they are failing to show us love, and so on, but we choose to remain in that relationship, even though we are unhappy and miserable. Why? Because we are too scared to make the decision of parting ways with that person, and ending that relationship. We are fearful of what the future will hold for us without them. We are fearful they may react and respond in an aggressive manner. We are fearful that other people may judge and criticize us for such a decision. We are fearful about having to sort out the equal division of all assets. We have all these such fears and more, running through our head about what may transpire if we made such a decision, that we end up avoiding making the decision altogether. We therefore choose to remain unhappy and miserable rather than have to face up to a tough decision.

It could be that we are unhappy and miserable in our job. We are not at all passionate about the work we do, we hate the hours, and the salary is mediocre, but we choose to stay in that job, even though we dislike it, and are unhappy. Why? Because we are too scared to hand in our resignation? We are too scared to start our own business in something we are truly passionate about. We are too scared to part ways with the paycheck we are so accustomed to receiving. We are too scared that other people may judge us for making the decision to resign. We are too scared that we won't be qualified and skillful enough to transition to a different job or role. Once again, we have all such fears and more, running through our head about what may transpire if we made such a decision, that we end up avoiding making the decision altogether. We choose to remain unhappy and miserable in a job we hate, wasting our life away doing something that brings us no satisfaction and fulfillment. It could be that we are unhappy and unsatisfied with our life in general, for the fact we never achieve the goals we desire. We get so caught up in everyday life that we don't even have the time to work on the actions that are progressing towards our goal, not to mention, we don't see the practicality in working towards our goals at this point in time. Rather than make the decision to work towards our goals, and take action, we instead opt to remain stuck in the unsatisfying and unrewarding life we are currently living. We are fearful that we don't have the skills and talent to reach our goals. We are fearful that others will judge and criticize us for the actions we are taking in working towards our goals. We are fearful that we will fail in the pursuit of our goals. We are fearful that we don't have the finances to support the decision to work towards our goals. We are fearful that we will be wasting our time in going after our goals. Yet again, we have all such fears and more, running through our head about what may transpire if we made such a decision, that we end up avoiding making the decision altogether. We hide behind excuses that we don't have the time right now, we are too busy, or we will start in the near future, and so on, when in reality, we simply lack the courage to overcome our fears and take action in working towards our goals. We are left to feel unsatisfied, unhappy, and miserable in life, even depressed, because we choose to hide from our decisions to pursue our goals, and settle for the underwhelming life we are currently living.

All these examples above, and more, highlight perfectly how so many people are too scared in life to go after their goals and dreams, and to create a life for themselves enriched with happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It's this forward thinking mentality that humans have, where we make assumptions that a certain result will transpire, yet we don't have any proof of that going to be the case whatsoever. Because of the fear that we create within our mind, of all these potential negative results, we choose to avoid making these bold decisions needed to bring us such blessings and rewards. As they are only decisions that we face in our head, rather than ones that have to be made, we avoid them altogether. We would rather continue settling for a life lacking in happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, success, and prosperity, than acknowledge the decisions we need to make that are swirling around in our mind, because we are scared of what may transpire. We lack the courage to take some risks, make some tough decisions, and get stuck into some difficult actions, all because of fear. We allow fear to prevent us from achieving the life we desire, and the happiness we crave. It's time to end this "I'm scared" crap! Prove to yourself that you do possess courage, that you do possess boldness, that you do possess potential, and that you are not going to settle for a second rate life any longer. Who cares what other people may think of you, and how they may judge you, because they do that now as it is anyway! Overcome these fears of making tough decisions, and start working towards creating a more satisfying and fulfilling life for yourself. Get stuck into those actions that are working towards your goals. It's normal to feel scared when you make such big decisions in life, but only the courageous are the ones who go on to achieve the desired results.

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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