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I don’t have a fat butt and big boobs, and I absolutely love my body

Love your body, No one else will love it for you

By AbikaPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
I don’t have a fat butt and big boobs, and I absolutely love my body
Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash

Women I want to ask you all this question, how important are big butt and boobs to you, on a scale of 1 to 10?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, it’s just an answer of your conscience. What is your conscience saying to you? Don’t you love the way you were made?

Throughout this article, I want to ask two other major questions. Let me start by telling you what inspired this article. The truth is when I moved to where is life now one of the major things that stood out was the ascetics of things. Everything is well manicured and kept, which of course is excellent, but it all feels like high maintenance. So, as the saying goes “When in Rome-” and know the rest.

What I didn’t expect is to also have to change the way I look to fit into the rigid corset of society. Now that’s where I will stick the pin, growing up I know myself to be unique and was encouraged to be unique. Now when I’m old, like a grown tree, I immediately trim, cut, and chopped into a stereotype. Well, listen, partner, I. Shall. Not. This is the constant and recurrent theme everywhere and it is just upsetting.

So I want to know what do you think about this topic?

By Monika Kozub on Unsplash

Why you should love the body you were made with?

I love my body, do you? Ask yourself this question before you change anything on it. When I say change I my surgically and somewhat cosmetically through a surgical procedure.

I believe we were all made for a purpose, that purpose is to praise God and give glory to his name. There are many ways to do this. One of those ways is to by caring the things he gave to use freely, as this body. Imagine, he took time to create every person unique down to the strands of hair on your head and patterns on your fingertips.

This is what I believe, I don’t know what you do. But given what you have, enhance it naturally to have it work for you well. So let me be the first to tell you, You are beautiful the way you were made, and the only change we should be doing is to stay healthy. When on to my next question.

When was the first time you thought about changing your body surgically?

When was the first time you thought about changing your body surgically?

The first time I thought about getting a bigger butt and boobs was in high school. I wanted to fit into the group of girls that the boys always look at and want to be next to. They were the cute girls and seem to have an advantage of puberty to give them the edge over all the other later bloomers. Yes, I was a late bloomer, or rather a no bloomer.

In high school, I thought that was the world and even though I was though to love my body and embrace my unique I was losing the battle to stay true to myself. It was only in my senior year that I realized that my body was made specifically for someone out there in the world.

So I stop trying to kill myself with corsets for a smaller waist, squad, and every other lower leg exercise for a bigger butt (by the way I still don’t have junk in the trunk that I wanted) and I also stopped saving my money for a boob job and started saving for travel.

My tiny inquisitive mind had no idea what I will find in the adult world. When it came to dating I wanted to change again. Only the “hot girls” get the guys. No one saw me unless they wanted me to put in a good word for them with my friend, and that’s not attractive. The one boyfriend I had even cheated on me with the girl with a bigger butt and boobs, and I didn’t even see it coming. And I repeated the same cycle.

I was not going to lose the war and give into the stereotype of big butts and boobs. In my mind, if everyone got big butts and boobs when men will lose interest and surely wouldn’t want me anymore.

What’s worse is I wasn’t Looking for inspiration in the right places. Today there are lots of prominent figures who do not fit that stereotype and live happily. And that was when I won the war.

But, the question remains how secure am I, and are you in our decision about what we want for our bodies?

By Clay Banks on Unsplash

How do you feel now with the body you have?

Do you feel comfortable and secure in the body you have? Sometimes I feel as I can do more naturally, but I do not want surgery to enhance anything. My husband accepts me the way I am and I’m happy it that. Don’t get me wrong though I do want to make him happy and keep him interested so I still do my squads and leg exercises. But I feel happy and untreated with my small butt and boobs.

If you have done changes and you love them and make you happy then good for you. If you didn’t good for you the same way.

I recognized that it is the favor of men that has placed us in this low self-esteem state. We want their attention and commitment and devotion so desperately that we try to fit a societal norm, or corseted waist and big butts, them. But then they leave, for the woman that doesn’t look like the societal norm.

Ladies, we should not feel obligated to change our appearance to fit a stereotype that makes us unhappy.

It is unfortunate that we fix ourselves into a rigid corset of society. Once you are so uncomfortable that you want to change the way you look then you never got to experience and appreciate the body you have. This feeling of low self-esteem is just unfortunate.

By Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Thank you for reading.


About the Creator


I started writing because it was my way to vent. Now I absolutely enjoyed writing and sharing.

I also write at Medium, find me at:


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