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How to spend lesser $ for 30days

Spend Less Money in 30 Days

By obafemi samuelPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
image from: istockphoto

The vast majority of us have a difficult-to-manage category. Cutting your spending in one area for 30 days will help you break old patterns and help you regulate your expenditure. You should give it a try!

There is one thing that you spend money on that you shouldn't. Clothes are important to me. I adore getting out of the house to go shopping. While it is true that clothes are my weakness, I don't let myself browse the internet because of this. It requires significant commitment, yet it's far from ideal.

My goal is to make you more aware of your weakness for wasteful spending for the next 30 days. You'll reset your spending tendencies by going without a weakness for 30 days. Spending too much in one area of your life can be a terrific strategy to help you get back on track financially.

The guidelines

Pick one area of your life to cut spending in for 30 days. If you can keep your spending the same, it means you will not have to reduce your expenses, but you should make it a goal to find other ways to spend your money. The purpose is to have a good time while also promoting well-being.

You can have “cheat days,” or fine-tune your eating as needed. Before setting rules for yourself, make sure to determine what they will be. Exceptions should not be made during the challenge based on your feelings; rather, you should plan. Give it to you so that it's fun for you.

In other words, here's what you should do...

First stage: Determine what you intend to restrict yourself to.

Decide what you want to cut down on for 30 days and think about your spending patterns. consider how this will assist you to get on the path to financial wellness (and help you create better spending habits).

If you don't like to shop, it's pointless to avoid it. Notably, cutting back on your eating-out expenditure for 30 days could be exactly what you need if you regret how much you spend going out on the weekends.

Second stage: Use your calendar to organize your schedule for the following 30 days

Your “start date” and “end date” should be marked on your calendar to help you stay committed.

Indicate when you will allow yourself a “cheat day” when you aren't cutting spending out totally. On days you skip Starbucks, give yourself one cup of coffee on Sunday.

Also, set check-in times to remind yourself to track your progress. To make sure everything goes smoothly, I recommend checking in daily at a specific time. Creating a practice of reflecting on the day and holding oneself accountable will be aided by doing this.

If every day is too busy for you, set aside time to consider how you're doing on the challenge on a weekly or daily basis.

The next stage is to begin the challenge and document your progress.

On the days you've decided to journal, begin your challenge by writing down your progress. When you keep a record of your development, you'll see that you're analyzing the experience and considering your improvement.

Writing in a journal is a great method to monitor your emotions and thoughts as you go through the challenge. You'll also have the final drafts of these pieces to revisit after the project is over. If you intend to participate in another challenge in the future, you will have a good idea of what it was like by reading your journal (much better than your memory).

Even if you aren't participating in the 30-day challenge, you can use the budget notebook to keep track of your thoughts and financial plan for longer.

Stage 4: Once you've completed Stage 3, evaluate how you did.

Evaluate yourself on the day after you finish your task. In case you're interested, here are some questions to get you thinking:

  • Did you get what you wanted?
  • At the outset, how did you feel versus how do you feel now?
  • Have you missed your former lifestyle?
  • What is your budget for the month (did you have the extra money in your pocket this month due to the challenge)?
  • How did the challenge change you?
  • Congratulations, you've made it!

    It is time to rejoice once you've accomplished your challenge and have had time to think about it. Doing so is a commendable accomplishment; it shows you have no small amount of strength to be proud of.

    Reinforce positive behavior by rewarding yourself and congratulating yourself.


    Saving money on your worst habit can be challenging, but you will wind up spending less than you may think. The key to getting anything done is to make things more fun and exciting.


    About the Creator

    obafemi samuel

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