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How to Motivate Yourself

Live by a Quote

By Success SquadPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

How do we create change in our lives? The answer: motivation and inspiration. And how do we find it? By repeating motivational and inspirational quotes to ourselves over and over again until we believe them.

It is a proven fact that when we do something repeatedly, eventually the behavior becomes ingrained in us, almost at an unconscious level. That's why it is so easy to develop bad habits, because sometimes we do them without even thinking.

On the other side, if we can find an uplifting quote that resonates with us and repeat it to ourselves over and over again, eventually that quote will become ingrained in our subconscious mind too. And once it is there, changing our day-to-day behavior is as easy as just adding that quote to our conscious thoughts.

So, how do we find a quote? There are many websites and books full of quotes, but the only way to find a truly motivational or inspirational quote is if it truly resonates with you personally. I have found great inspiration from quotes shared by other people, but these quotes were inspirational to me because I believed they applied to my situation.

What does it mean if a quote applies to you? It means that you can use this quote as motivation. That's right, by finding an uplifting quote and repeating it to yourself every day, eventually the behavior or thinking pattern embodied in that quote will become ingrained in your subconscious mind. You will start believing what you are saying is true for you, and eventually it will become true.

So, how do we use a quote as motivation? By repeating the quote to yourself every day until it becomes ingrained in your mind. For example: if you want to learn how to push through barriers of self-doubt and emerge stronger every time, you can find a quote to use as motivation. It should be something like: "I acknowledge the barriers of self-doubt that may hinder my success, but I will learn from them and emerge stronger."

Repeating this quote to yourself every day will help you recognize those barriers whenever they come up, but more importantly, it will help you focus on learning from them and emerging stronger. This, in turn, will help you to push through the barriers of self-doubt every time they appear.

Finding a quote that resonates is easy. The hard part is repeating that quote to ourselves over and over again until we believe it to be true in our lives.

Here are three specific steps to take toward that end:

1. Find a quote that resonates with you personally (motivational). 2. Write the quote down on paper or type it into your phone, computer or other device. 3. Repeat the quote to yourself several times every day until it becomes ingrained in your conscious thoughts.

When you repeat a quote to yourself, it makes it easier for that quote to become ingrained in your subconscious mind and change your behavior.

But just like anything else we want to do, but don't feel like doing: if there is no motivation or inspiration behind the task itself, then the likelihood of failure will be high. So, make sure to always add a bit of motivation behind your task.

An easy way is to write down a reason why you want to change the behavior in the first place. For example: if you don't feel confident when it comes to public speaking, write down a list of all the benefits that will come from overcoming that fear and being more confident.

You can also keep a daily journal of your progress and see your successes. This will help to motivate you even further and keep you on the right track!

So, what is your motivation?


About the Creator

Success Squad

Thomas Sullivan is a real estate investor and stock trader. Thomas’s goal in life is to help people reach financial independence so they can spend their time doing what they love.

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