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How to Have Awesome Relationships with Quantum Physics and Emotional Intelligence.

Some examples

By Hector SampsonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
How to Have Awesome Relationships with Quantum Physics and Emotional Intelligence.

Do you wish you could get along with everyone better? Then you need to learn how to think like a quantum scientist and feel like an emotional master. Sounds hard? It's not. Let me show you.

What does it mean to think like a quantum scientist?

Thinking like a quantum scientist means looking at the world in a new way that is based on quantum physics. It's a way of thinking that says reality is not rigid or fixed, but rather flexible and personal. Thinking like a quantum scientist means that we make our own reality with our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. It also means that we are not separate from others, but rather connected to everything and everyone.

For instance, imagine you are having a terrible day at work. You feel stressed, annoyed, and angry. You think that your boss is mean, your colleagues are useless, and your clients are difficult. You expect that nothing will go well for you. This is a normal way of thinking based on cause and effect. But what if you could change your reality by changing your thoughts? What if you could think that your boss is kind, your colleagues are helpful, and your clients are happy? What if you could expect that everything will work out for you? This is thinking like a quantum scientist. It's a way of thinking that can change your experience of reality.

What does it mean to feel like an emotional master?

Feeling like an emotional master means being able to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others. It's a skill that helps you communicate better, empathise more, and deal with stress. Feeling like an emotional master has four main parts:

- Self-awareness: Knowing your own emotions and how they affect you.

- Self-management: Controlling your emotions and expressing them in healthy ways.

- Social awareness: Understanding the emotions and needs of others and the situation.

- Relationship management: Building and keeping positive relationships with others.

For instance, imagine you are having a fight with your partner. You feel hurt, angry, and bitter. You think that your partner is selfish, insensitive, and wrong. You want to blame them, criticise them, or ignore them. This is a normal way of reacting based on emotions. But what if you could manage your emotions by understanding them? What if you could understand your partner's emotions and needs by empathising with them? What if you could communicate your feelings and thoughts in a respectful and constructive way? This is feeling like an emotional master. It's a skill that can improve your relationships.

How can thinking like a quantum scientist and feeling like an emotional master make your relationships better?

Thinking like a quantum scientist and feeling like an emotional master can work together to make your relationships better in many ways:

- Thinking like a quantum scientist can help you see things from different points of view. This can help you avoid arguments and conflicts with others.

- Thinking like a quantum scientist can help you accept uncertainty and change. This can help you adapt to different situations and deal with challenges in your relationships.

- Thinking like a quantum scientist can help you open up to new possibilities and opportunities. This can help you grow and learn from your relationships.

- Feeling like an emotional master can help you understand yourself and others better. This can help you talk more effectively and feel more deeply with others.

- Feeling like an emotional master can help you manage your emotions and express them in healthy ways. This can help you avoid emotional outbursts and bad behaviours that can hurt your relationships.

- Feeling like an emotional master can help you build trust and rapport with others. This can help you create stronger bonds and deeper connections with others.

For example, imagine you are having a chat with a friend. You have different opinions on something. You feel curious, interested, and open-minded. You think that your friend has a valid perspective, even if it's different from yours. You want to listen to them, understand them, and share your own views. This is how thinking like a quantum scientist and feeling like an emotional master can make your chat better.


Thinking like a quantum scientist and feeling like an emotional master are two awesome skills that can make your relationships better. By using these skills, you can have more harmony, happiness, and fulfilment in your life. Remember, thinking like a quantum scientist is not about denying reality, but rather expanding it. And feeling like an emotional master is not about suppressing emotions, but rather using them wisely. So why not give it a try? You might be amazed by the results!

self help

About the Creator

Hector Sampson

A computer whizz, radio & TV presenter, author, speaker and polyglot. He started writing brief notes to himself, giving himself tips and telling himself off. He has written 25 books in the areas of self-help, spirituality and nonfiction.

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