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How to Get Rich — 9 Brain Tricks

“How to become rich” is a question that, according to statistics, worries 72% of Americans. However, the rest may simply not admit it.

By Michail BukinPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How to Get Rich — 9 Brain Tricks
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

The idea that bombs everyone.

In general, the topic is rather old, because everywhere on the Internet you can see the calls “start with yourself”, “you just work a little”. And thousands of people are trying to explain that not everything depends on individual efforts.

However, other things being equal, there really are 9 brain tricks that will keep you rich, even if you have all the other possibilities for it.

Therefore, first, go over these 9 habits and try to cope with them — already in the first week, you will see that problems begin to be solved.

Trick # 1 — read, not watch.

Studying intellectual content — at least 30 minutes a day

Studying entertainment content — no more than 1 hour a day

According to polls, only 6% of wealthy people watch TV for more than 1 hour a day. But 80% of wealthy people read at least half an hour every day. Poor people, on the other hand, are more attracted to TV — 80% spend more than 60 minutes on it.

But it is a mistake to think that watching TV is exactly TV, and reading is suitable for anyone — including funny things in VK. The point is that wealthy people are constantly developing and spend a minimum of time on “useless” rest.

Trick # 2 — financial fear.

To find the answer to the question of how to become rich, first of all, you need to understand how to stop being poor.

For wealthy people, a loan is just a tool, one of the ways to achieve a goal. Poor people always have one of two extremes — either they shy away from loan offers like the plague, considering them as bondage, or they take loans for anything, including the latest iPhone.

A lazy brain simply does not want to constantly analyze — it is easier for it to stick to a strategy that has been adopted once and for all. Start researching and comparing offers and promotions to understand what you really need and which offers are better off for now.

Trick #3 — Everyone is healthy.

An active lifestyle and taking care of your health is one of the most subtle reasons for financial well-being. It would seem that while nothing hurts, you can relax — why strain yourself and your wallet once again, laying out money for the next tests? After all, everything is in order.

But there are two clear reasons:

  1. Treatment is always more expensive than prevention.
  2. The stronger the health, the higher the performance.

One of the main organs that almost always respond to health is the brain. Pressure problems? Vessels suffer — the brain suffers. Sedentary lifestyle? Low blood saturation with useful substances? All this will be reflected in the brain cells. And therefore — on memory, fatigue, the ability to analyze, make decisions, act.

Cheap but effective.

Just 30 minutes of walking a day and a basic check-up once a year with a regular “cure” for problems in the early stages can be a real path to wealth and success.

Trick # 4 — impulse buying.

They eat up to 50% of the budget. And they look completely harmless. Some trifle for 5$-10$. But the final calculations show that it is these expenses that are becoming the main ones.

Trick #5 — we go the tried and tested path.

How to become rich if you know how to do something? Of course, monetize. And many are good at it. The problem is that in 90% of cases, people give up self-development, believing that their skills are enough. Or they are only engaged in development in a narrow area.

Meanwhile, the brain cannot “standstill”. Only that which is developed develops.

What’s more, research within neuropsychology has shown that the more areas you develop in, the more flexible your brain will be and the longer you will remain at your peak of mental heights.

Bigger is better.

Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to develop whatever. Even if this is some skill that is interesting to you personally, which you have not yet found application. Believe me, one day it will come in handy. And in any case, such “brain exercise” will make itself felt in other types of activity.

Trick #6 — Unloved Job.

Stable is safe. This is what our genetics knows, and then our brain. We do not urge you to urgently take your savings and invest in some dubious enterprise with super-profits

But we urge you to reconsider your attitude to work. Unloved work takes away strength, negatively affects fatigue, and can cause burnout and depression.

People succeed and become wealthy only where they enjoy themselves. By the way, in order to become rich, you don’t have to be a fan of the sphere — you can sincerely love the process of making money. This is exactly what happens for many businessmen.

Check yourself.

Are you really in your place? Perhaps you do not like your job because of the low salary or team. But if the activity itself does not excite you, it’s time to think.

Trick #7 — extra independence.

As Steve Jobs said, “we hire specialists to tell us what to do.”

Wealthy people use the services of professionals all the time. Analysts, psychologists, even cleaners. On the one hand, they have money for this.

On the other hand, some investment in yourself will be beneficial until you become a millionaire.

Trick #8 — Be humble and people will be attracted to you.

The trouble of several generations of people at once is education in excessive modesty. It is inconvenient to draw attention to yourself, it is inconvenient to defend your rights.

Scenarios that focus on modesty and invisibility have been hammered into the brain since childhood. And this immediately puts an end to the question of how to become rich.

Build Your Self-Esteem

Begin to be visible

Show Yourself Where Possible and Appropriate

A simple recipe.

First, stop being ashamed of yourself and your loved ones.

Print out on A4 sheets of your main achievements in life (one per sheet) and hang them in the room. Within a week, you will notice how self-awareness is changing — right down to the gait, manner of speech, and … peculiarities of thinking.

Trick #9 — the day after tomorrow.

Many people live not like tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow. They wonder “how to get rich,” but they never take action. They are waiting for the successful circumstances when the “right time” will come.

This is also a trick of the brain, which does not want to change anything, but wants to remain in safe stability. The same notorious “comfort zone”. Just don’t jump out of it so abruptly that you are under chronic stress.

Get Started Today.

Make a complete list of plans. Think about it for at least 1 hour and honestly cross out what you are going to do for over a year.

Plan what activities are entirely up to you and create a calendar. Start working towards success today and move according to plan.

Even if these are minimal changes, they will gradually grow like a snowball.


About the Creator

Michail Bukin

Creative Writing Expert and Ambitious Stutterer

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