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How to find women

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 14 min read

all right so in this video we're going

to discuss where do you meet women this

has been a question beginning asked a

ton from guys where do I go and meet a

girl you can have the best game in the

world be jacked well addressed the whole

package but if you're not in the right

environment you're not meeting any woman

you're not going to get very far so this

can actually be half of the game if you

want to be good with women you want to

have a few key lead sources where you

can meet beautiful women now

historically if you ask parents or most

people the way they met their

significant other is usually only in one

of four categories it's either through

school high school sweethearts or

college it's from their work which I

kind of hate meeting someone from your

work come on dude

it's through friends or the bar now

we're going to get into exactly what are

the best places and best lead sources to

meet beautiful women it's important to

state that when you have this dialed a

lot of times your game naturally

improves when you're in a position of

abundance where there's lots of

potential mates in your life then you

naturally enter a state of abundance and

you act out higher value trades when

you're desperate and there's not many

options around you or you're not in the

right places you kind of enter scarcity

mode and your game actually gets worse

in fact danville's Aaron told the story

he was on a movie right and the director

was like dude you're amazing with women

you always want around you go and

approach I think it was Cameron Diaz how

would you go approach Cameron Diaz and

his answer was I wouldn't that's not how

he plays the game his game is having the

right setup being in the right place

right time with lots of women and being

in a position of status because he did

the run around trying to meet tons of

girls and he got pretty much much

average results point is is that you

have to be in the correct pool so

there's a few different key pools that

are great to meet women now I know a lot

of you are going to hate me saying it

but online dating is probably right now

the biggest place that people meet okay

so online dating if you can just build a

solid profile get lean get strong get in

shape get some good photos outside

looking away natural you will have a big

advantage in fact when I was 19 to 21 I

was not in school I was working at home

and I didn't really meet many people

when Tinder came out it was like a

secret weapon I'm like holy [ __ ] I can

meet like I was going on dates with

hotties every single week almost so

Tinder and online data could be a secret

Advantage it's good if you are fit well

built it's going to be a lot easier than

if you're out of shape but my little

view on Tinder and hinge real quick

before we move on is that I think it can

be powerful if you build a great profile

you use it for a few weeks you meet some

girls get some good lead sources and you

cut it off if you're swiping on Tinder

every day it is productivity killer so I

actually recommend using it for a short

period of time to get some abundance

meet some woman and then go off the app

you never want to rely solely on one

lead Source that's a weakness you want

to have multiple lead sources okay now

secondly if you're in a university

you're in a college that's an easy way

to meet women okay if you're in a

college most colleges are like 60 65

women there's lots of groups lots of

meetups Library you should not be having

a hard time meeting women if you're at

college but college is really like

that's a cheat code okay college is a

bit of a cheat code so here's a good tip

if you're going to college a lot of guys

make the mistake they go into college

and they're kind of shy okay they don't

meet that many people the very first

week of college everyone's kind of new

no one knows each other so everyone's

super [ __ ] nice they want to make

friends so if you can be the person

that's confident that says hey what's up

I'm Jeremy what's going on dude boom

we're gonna hit the gym later let's do

this if you can start meeting people put

yourself in a position with social

leader you'll make tons of connections

and you will naturally because now

people associate you as being The

Confident approachable person you'll

naturally start to act out that way for

the rain of the year it's like a huge

upward spiral effect as opposed to if

you're quiet you don't want to say hi to

everyone is so freaking nice the first

week so just be chill take advantage of

it you'll make a lot of social

connections now in college you can get

involved in different groups different

activities be engaged play some tag

football whatever it is the more

involved you are the more groups you're

in the more you can easily meet women so

college is a secret Advantage if you're

in college this should not be an issue

now self-explanity for work I don't

really like meeting women at work but

let's get into the next one the bars

okay so a lot of guys will say stupid

[ __ ] like good women don't go to bars

okay yes most quality women are not

going to bars and clubs four nights a

week but every single 21 year old woman

has been to a bar are the single in the

last year they all go to bars and clubs

the benefit of bars and clubs is it is a

loaded venue there's a lots and lots of

potential leads there's tons of women so

it's very easy to meet women of course

you want to choose a location that is

approachable and has a good ratio of the

woman you're into so a lot of times like

the bars are better than clubs whereas

nightclubs they kind of have a lot of

women pushed into tables which is not as

accessible so bars can be good in fact

when I was like 20 21 I would go up to

the same bar a couple nights a week I

wouldn't even I barely drink I wouldn't

cab I'd Drive I'd have like two whiskey

sodas and I just talked to a few potties

and get some leads it was like it was an

easy lead Source it's all it was always

beautiful women in fact we see Crazy

Stupid Love they always go the same bar

there's always a good ratio this

beautiful woman he sits down he talks

and so if you can find like a good venue

to go to that's got lots of women to

have two drinks meet some meet some

chick that could be a very very good

venue but a lot of times guys make the

mistake of they go to bars they're

hanging out in a big pack of dudes right

you do not want to beat five six seven

eight guys in a bar it's not how you do

it you're not mobile okay you can't move

that bar is not good you can't go and

have five six guys jump into the other

bar you want to be two you want the best

thing to do is go out with just one dude

go out with one dude it's easier to move

around you want to be the two guys

talking to a few chicks and then all of

a sudden you're talking with like three

four girls it's much better and then

when you're in that situation at the

woman see you they see you and your

buddy Lucas like holy [ __ ] they got like

five girls around them two guys five

girls and then in the entire venue your

status goes up you see in the club and

bar atmosphere it's very interesting if

you're the one guy with two chicks your

status goes up this is what mystery

would talk about mystery would go into a

bar right

he would go into a bar solo and he

wouldn't even try and approach and get

into conversation with the most

beautiful girl in the bar yet that would

not work what he would do is he'd

approach sets of women three or four

women he'd open them up he'd get them

laughing he'd talk he'd create a

conversation then he'd go meet these

girls hey come meet my friends and all

of a sudden very quickly he was one guy

with four or five girls around them and

now all of a sudden he's got that high

status he's in that pre-selection play

and now he can kind of tease the girl

he's into kind of ignore her and then

she sees him getting all this attention

from from these women now she's more

into it that game is way more powerful

than just being one guy trying to hit on

one girl and you got your four buddies

over there looking at you okay so in the

bar go out with just one buddy okay

approach some girls get into some sets

and then when you see the girl you want

you go for it and and so it's good to

have a good bar to go to uh that's a

great lead source and then you know the

best thing to do is be nice meet the

bartender say what's up give them a tip

maybe you know chat out the doorman guy

give him a little bit of a tip and just

build these friendships then you can

skip the line and then you create better

position of status if the bartenders

know you're cool with the door guy you

can bring someone in and so it's almost

more powerful if you find like the best

spot and be more of a regular there you

do much better now the next place is

like a lot of times guys will meet can

meet women in uh in the mall maybe like

in your city they have a big shopping

area that's got lots of people well you

know what if you want to get your 10 000

steps and you can go for a walk get your

steps and drink a coffee and you know

Day game venues I'm not a huge fan of

the guys that run around just to

approach girls for a couple hours like

dude what are you doing with your life

like most like when I wake up I'm

getting [ __ ] done I'm getting [ __ ] done

I'm not waiting around for two hours for

a beautiful girl to walk by to approach

a set but really if you want to have the

highest level of game it's almost like

creating the Social Circle you know

maybe you're the one that throws the

parties that gets people to invite

people and you're housing the party and

you're focusing on you know just

inviting like six seven year guy friends

and 15 20 girls there's a lot of times

if you're throwing a party most guys are

takers not givers

to come in there to drink your alcohol

hit all the chicks you invited you want

to focus on finding dudes that are

givers that provide value that can bring

girls or that are fun to be around they

don't scare girls off and if you can

create the right Vibe of having like you

know six eight ten really cool dudes and

you guys are all bringing girls that's a

much better play than I had to have in

the party where there's 30 dudes and 15

girls again you don't not want to be in

that system but I just recommend living

your life go to the coffee shop go for a

walk get outside go through go to the

park the beach Central Park wherever it

is where there's lots of people around

and just put yourself in that

environment if you see a beautiful woman

then you can approach her now what I

actually recommend doing is when you're

in really good shape you're well dressed

you have the high testosterone you'll

notice that some women right some

beautiful women will catch eye contact

with you and they'll give you kind of

that look and they'll hold it for a

couple seconds that is one of the

strongest indications of Interest okay

when a woman is at actually catches your

eyes she holds eye contact with you she

smiles that's like an invitation to say

hi what's up hey who are you hey I'm

Greg whatever like you can like the

thing that most guys don't understand is

they think that potentially every girl

is on the market some girls might be in

love with their boyfriend and they're

taking them they're not going to be

interested and so in any of these

situations if you catch eye contact with

a girl and she's looking at you it's the

easiest approach in the world in fact

many times I've walked in you know Down

Lincoln Road to Miami I walk in you know

down King Street at night and I just see

a stunning girl and we lock eyes and

it's like it's like magic most of

Attraction and and even meeting woman

it's sub communication it's not even

what you say it's your Vibe how you say

it your mojo you know it's slowing down

and the other spot is like you know you

have your gym I don't really love

approaching them in the gym but like if

you make strong eye contact with a girl

in the gym and you get that Vibe you can

definitely chatter up and the last thing

I'll say is that it's very very powerful

if you can have a good solid Instagram

because a lot of times you're at a bar

you need a girl pretty quickly the

easiest thing to do is instead of

getting your phone number get her

Instagram and I'll tell you why this is

so powerful even mystery right mystery

is actually extremely underrated he was

kind of the pioneer of pickup and his

thing was based on his anecdotal infield

testing was that most women have to

spend about seven hours of time with you

before they're ready to hook up before

they're ready for things to become

sexual and so seven hours like if you

talk to on the phone that adds up if

you're the more she invests the more

comfortable she is for things getting

into a sexual place and so if she's

watching your stories and she's seen

what you're up to that's little micro

Investments and then you know maybe you

go to a you know get a drink with her go

to a couple different spots you spend a

few hours with her those are different

Investments and so all these Investments

kind of can accumulate if your game is

correct now most guys make a mistake of

chasing of giving a girl way too much

attention you have to allow her to value

your attention hold your attention a

little bit back give her some attention

kind of hold it back and then all that

time you spend together really matters

but um that's the video okay you want to

have a few different lead sources take

advantage of online dating use it in

short Sprints find a cool spot you can

go out to get your 10K steps in go to

the mall coffee shop Barnes and Noble

and you know eventually you'll enter a

position of abundance throw some cool

different like parties dinners

pre-parties have a couple cool friends

they can invite girls and that will

create an abundant vibe that is my

recommendation for you

how to

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