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How to add more value to your life?

and be happier...

By Vivek Kumar SinghPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The process of life!

Life is a process that started when we were born and since we’re involved in this process let’s make the best out of it because at some point life does cease. Life comes with all sorts of complexities, hardship and even unpredictable events. Things can go either way on a day to day basis and that’s the beauty of it. In today’s time we have access to all sorts of information, we have access to all sorts of facilities yet somehow a lot of people are not happy with their lives. Lots of people are chronically depressed others have anxieties going on deep down that they try to cover with a fake smile or suppress it with substance abuse.

People procrastinate when some opportunity knocks their door but once it slides away they regret to further their sufferings. Life should not be like this and people want quick solution to everything but there’s a disconnect between the problem and the so called quick “remedy” to today’s problems. The problem is a lot of people are not really actually living, they’re barely holding on and surviving. Lots of people are hiding behind a substance or a specific thing be it video game, social media, and so on. I’m not saying any of this is not a part of our “modern life” now a days but are we actually living?

I am not going to write down “10 quick fixes” for your anxiety disorder that you cannot even openly talk about but when you do you get judged and that makes your situation even worse, nor am I even going to tell you that depression can be managed if you fool yourself to pretend to be happy. I am not even a psychologist to begin with. What Am I going to do here is I will tell you the most basic things about how to live a good life and be more happy without a fuss.

Yes it is possible!

We’re all living in our minds and everything that we see through a screen is mental. This is a problem because our body is not just mind. In-fact mind is not even physical mind is “software” that works with the “hardware” of brain. Brain is a physical tangible thing that has physical limitations. Most of the time when you find yourself anxious, depressed, worried, etc., you may have noticed that your brain is firing weird. There is a reason because mind is infinite and we try to channel everything through our mind but the brain is the physical limited organ that is capable of processing everything in a bio-mechanical way. Long story short you need to be in your body more than just in your mind. Connect with you breath and surroundings, the nature, the natural sunlight and the natural fresh air. Workout so that your body would be more receptive to the nature itself and let nature be your refuge.

5 nature friendly habits that you need to integrate in your life today!

There is a natural rhythm of nature, to night and day and the seasons. The cycles rise and falls, things are in motion any given second. The natural universe is always in motion and so does you, even when you think you’re sitting still. Your digestion is happening, you are breathing, your heart is beating and things are still going on deep down.

1.) Get in synch with the natural rhythm of life by consciously connecting with your breath. Take deep breath every time you find yourself a bit confused, distracted, worried, and depressed and so on. Breath will take you right back home.

2.) How much water do you drink every day? Major part of our body is comprised of water. In one way or other our body require water to function optimally. When I said water I mean water not energy drinks, not soda, not caffeinated or alcoholic drinks or sugar loaded beverages, I only mean drinkable water. Water will flus you out and rid you off toxins and other waste, It will support body’s internal mechanism and it will optimize the organs and their function.

3.) Work out. We as human were not built to sit on chair for hours and hours, we were not built to lay in the bed either. We evolved from 4 legged creatures to 2 legged human for a reason and the reason is to stand erect and walk and run. We were meant to move and workout in one way or other. Design your day in a way your resting time does not exceed to your movement time. If that’s not physically possible then fix your workout hours with different forms of workout forms and stretching exercises.

4.) Nourishment, if somebody asks me “name one thing that can always support you” the answer would be healthy natural food. Body runs on nutrition, we need to feed ourselves healthy proper food in a way it adds value to our meal. People often get sick when they live off fast food and unhealthy junk food full of carbs, sugar, and god knows what else. “Make food your medicine and your medicine your food” it’s an ancient saying and when you really sit back and revaluate your eating habits you will realize, all these years you’ve been doing it all wrong. Time to make this one most important and much needed change in your life ASAP without a second thought.

5.) Relaxation. Proper timely relaxation is indeed very much required for our body and mind to recover. The problem only arises when we relax too much and doesn’t do anything else. Like I said life is a dynamic natural automatic process and sometimes we just need to get out of it’s way so that the things can fall back to where they belong. With prolonged hours at our stress filled work place, household and so on we really need to learn to properly relax every day, there’s no alternative to it.

If you did these 5 things properly your whole life can change within weeks for god this time.


About the Creator

Vivek Kumar Singh

Motivational | Non-fiction | a writer, a reader. A human wishing to understand the variety of human experience.

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