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How does a writer become a writer?

It takes a lot of effort. But it is worth the trouble

By Samara BenPublished 2 years ago 9 min read
How does a writer become a writer?
Photo by Adolfo Félix on Unsplash

Many are people who want to express their thoughts or feelings, but they may overlook the idea or just show what they write to their close acquaintances, although they would like their writings to reach everyone, and they may even write without sharing what they wrote with others. Some may argue here that they are private matters that pertain to them and do not want others to understand them, such as things that are nothing more than emptying their emotions in certain moments, or filling a void!

But let's stop a little at this point, as we know that writing as an expression, is similar to other expressive arts such as painting, dancing or singing. Whoever writes for himself only is like someone who draws paintings and watches them alone, or like someone who sings and no one hears him. If it is not a matter of shyness or a feeling that "the level" does not allow a person to reveal himself, then the expression here is meaningless, as art is sharing any offer of something to others to benefit from, whether it is an experience or a specific topic.

Moving on to what concerns us here, they are the ones who would like to publish their writings and deliver them to a large number of readers, but they are unable to do so because they think that they do not have a written style at a level that would enable them to communicate their ideas in a way that would impress and interest readers. We make it clear that writing does not have a specific style as a specific or specific method, but it is like speaking and speaking, and to write is to write down what you want to say. When you are discussing with someone at home or in any public place, you try to communicate your thoughts in a way that he understands, which is by clarifying them further and also answering most of his questions. The matter is no different from writing, as the latter is also a dialogue with a person, but you do not see him.

So when you write, you are discussing, and as you do in your direct dialogue with the listener, you must also do it with the reader.

With this, as soon as you start writing what you would say if the reader was with you or sitting next to you waiting for you to tell him what you want to share, until you find yourself writing with ease and confidence, and even further clarifying your thoughts, considering that you put in your mind that the reader was to ask you about one of the points or ask An increase in the explanation if his presence was realistic.

This is for objective writing. As for poetry, it is an emotional expression that does not need explanation, but rather the ability to describe your feelings accurately using metaphor.

As for the knowledge of the language in which you write, it is known that those who want to write often read, so they possess the principles and rules of writing, and what they lack is nothing but audacity. This is what we see in the writings of some children, which is surprised when one encounters and reads them, and knows that its writer is no more than eight or ten years old! .

So when you write, you are discussing, and as you do in your direct dialogue with the listener, you must also do it with the reader.

With this, as soon as you start writing what you would say if the reader was with you or sitting next to you waiting for you to tell him what you want to share, until you find yourself writing with ease and confidence, and even further clarifying your thoughts, considering that you put in your mind that the reader was to ask you about one of the points or ask An increase in the explanation if his presence was realistic.

This is for objective writing. As for poetry, it is an emotional expression that does not need explanation, but rather the ability to describe your feelings accurately using metaphor.

As for the knowledge of the language in which you write, it is known that those who want to write often read, so they possess the principles and rules of writing, and what they lack is nothing but audacity. This is what we see in the writings of some children, which is surprised when one encounters and reads them, and knows that its writer is no more than eight or ten years old! .

If you are waiting to have a writing style to start writing and publishing, you are like waiting to become a good football player so that others can participate in the game! Or you don't want to sing in front of an audience until her performance and voice match that of a famous singer; Or she does not want anyone to hear her voice until she studies music (as if singers are studying it!) .. skill needs practice, and practice is what develops the style.

Writing is nothing but a guiding dream, as the Argentine writer Borges puts it. Without words, writing or books, there would be no such thing as history, nor would there be the principle of humanity, according to Hermann Hesse.

Personally, I am a writer of novels, however I am still trying to improve. Every writer can get better, and no writer is perfect.

 I'll share with you here some of what I've learned. No matter what level you are as a writer, you will find at least one of these tips helpful.

1. Read to top writers

It may seem obvious, but it must be mentioned. This reading is where you start, if you don't read great works, you can't write. Everyone starts his way by learning from the masters, then imitating them, then you will find your voice through them. Therefore, read a lot. And read as much as you can. And pay close attention as you read to the style, the mechanism of writing as well as the content.

2. Write a lot

Try to write every day, or more than once a day if you can. The more you write, the better. Writing is a skill. As with every skill, you have to practice it to get better at it. Write things for yourself, write for your blog, or write for a publication. Write with the intention of writing, and have fun while you write. It will get easier day by day, if you practice a lot.

Try to write every day, or more than once a day if you can. The more you write, the better. Writing is a skill. As with every skill, you have to practice it to get better at it. Write things for yourself, write for your blog, or write for a publication. Write with the intention of writing, and have fun while you write. It will get easier day by day, if you practice a lot.

3. Always write down your thoughts

Keep a notebook with you and write ideas for your stories, articles, novels and characters. Write down parts of the dialogues you hear. Write plots of your stories, details and parts of songs you hear, or poems that move your feelings. Writing these things down will help you a lot, because they will inspire you and you will see them appear directly in what you write. Personally, I like to keep a list of articles I intend to write on my blog, and add to it all the time.

4. Create your own writing atmosphere

Set a time in the day when you can write without being interrupted, and make it a routine in your life. The best time for me is the afternoon, some may prefer lunch, evening or even midnight.

Whatever time you prefer, make writing every day an essential part of your life. Write for at least 30 minutes, although it is best if you make it an hour. If you are a writer, you will need to write for several hours a day, as I do. But don't worry, it will help you become better.

5. Write anything

Sitting and staring at a blank piece of paper or at a blank computer screen can frighten you. This may tempt you to check your email or go to the kitchen to eat some food. Never do that. Just start writing. It doesn't matter what you write, just move your fingers. Once you start writing, ideas will start flowing and it will get easier. I usually like to start writing things like my name or write the address or whatever, and then ideas start flowing to me. The basis is just to start writing.

6. Remove all distractions

Writing is not consistent with doing more than one task at a time, or writing with a commotion around you. Writing is best in silence, or with some soft music.

Use a program that removes distractions from your computer screen and use it in full screen mode. Turn off email or SMS alerts, turn off your cell phone and TV, and empty your desk. You can put everything in the bin while you're writing, but don't get carried away in order at the time of writing. Remove all distractions so that you can work without interruption.

7. Plan first, then write

This may seem to contradict the (just write) tip I mentioned earlier, but it isn't. For me, I find it helpful to plan and think about what I'm going to write before I sit down to write. I usually think during the day, or take a walk to stimulate my thoughts, then start writing them down, and even outline them if necessary. Then, when I'm ready, I sit down to put in the text. The thinking phase is over.

8. Try

Imitating great writers doesn't mean you have to be just like them. Try new things. Borrow small items from them. Experiment with your style, voice, technique, and themes. Try new words, invent new words. Try everything. Take what works, throw away what doesn't.

9. Review what you write

If you've started drafting, tried new things, and got ideas flowing, you'll need to go back and revise what you're writing. This is something you have to do. Lots of writers hate revision because it's a lot of work, and some may already be tired of writing. If you want to be a good writer, you have to learn to go back and revise what you wrote. Revision is what distinguishes good writers, and it distinguishes them from mediocre writers. Review everything I've written. And don't just look at grammar, and misspellings, look at unnecessary words, poor structure and muddled sentences. Always strive for clarity, strength, and freshness.

10. Outlined

This is done at revision time, and includes modifying every sentence and syllable and removing everything nonessential. A short sentence is better than a long sentence, and one clear word is better than two colloquial words. Make the text as compact as possible.

11. Use strong sentences

Make your sentences short using strong verbs. Not all sentences have to be the same - variety is necessary - but try to create charming ones. Since you won't be thinking about these things in the first draft stage, you should do this in the revision stage.

12. Make the beginning and the end strong

The most important parts of what you write are the beginning and the end. Especially the beginning. Because if you can't catch the reader at first, he won't continue reading. So when you're writing your first draft, take some time to knit a good start. Make the reader passionate about what he reads and make him want to read more. Then write the ending, and make it good, because it's what will make readers want more of your writing to come.

13. Learn to write in a conversational style

Many write in a strict style. I think it is best to write as if you are talking to the reader. People will like it more. It won't be easy at first, but it's something you have to work on to improve.

14. Get someone else's opinion

You cannot become better on your own. Have someone read what I have written, preferably a writer or editor, someone who reads a lot and can give you a frank and wise opinion. Then listen to him. Try to understand the criticism of the text, accept it, and use it to improve. Thank the editor who helped you, instead of feeling like his criticism offended you.

15. Post what you write

At some point you'll need to get someone to read what you've written. Not only who you allow, but the general public as well. You will need to publish your book, short story, poem or article. If you have a blog, that's fine, but if your blog has no one to read, you need to find a popular blog and try to put your text in it as an article. Putting your text public for reading is undoubtedly stressful, but it is a necessary step in the development of any writer.


About the Creator

Samara Ben

Cooking, Beauty, hair and culture writer. One of Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market.

I am a Creative Writing major I was focused on writing fiction. I have a great passion for writing.

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