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How's that New Year's Resolution to Write a Book Coming Along?

By Ondi LaurePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Who made a New Year’s resolution to get their book done in 2022? Now, February is upon us… is your resolution still front and center?

Because (yes, I always break English grammar rules!) 2022 is the year to get your book off of your heart and out of your head once and for all.

Writing, however, is a lonely, introverted, and often an isolated undertaking. It is great to have a team behind you.

With that being said, I give a heartfelt "Thank You" to my team that stands behind me so that I can support all of you and your book productions.

So, this is my big call out to you if you are ready to get your book off your heart this winter of 2022!

This is a great New Year’s resolution, but what if you don’t feel that you have what it takes to write a successful book, nor enough content to fill an entire book?

Well… that is where support, accountability, encouragement, structure, and confidence are crucial.

Because (here I go again… testing grammar rules) A New Year’s resolution alone is not enough to see your book through to fruition!

Of the many contributing factors demanded in the writing of a book, confidence is #1.

Once you’ve cultivated your confidence in your story’s message your odds of completing your book skyrocket.

With your confidence in your message, there is nothing that will stop you from pushing through and getting your story’s message down. It is your confidence in your idea and inspiration that will see you through; not so much the goal (nor the New Year's resolution) of writing a book.

Now, there are many tools that will help you, yes. Though, confidence in your message is tops!

How does an author grow their confidence in their message? Well, here are a few takeaways to help build your confidence in your story:

1. Start the conversation and write

2. Write

3. Gather feedback from your peers and family

4. Write

5. Get your message out into the world. Write.

6. Gather constructive criticism that is necessary for your message and your story to evolve

7. Sit your but down in a chair and write

8. And lastly... write!

Magic happens when the author garners confidence in their writing and in the message that is being conveyed. Yes, getting feedback is crucial. And the absolute best way to cultivate your confidence in your craft is remembering WHY you started writing in the first place. What is your cause, your mission, your purpose behind your words?

Having your why front and center throughout the writing process will keep you in the trenches and keep you motivated to the completion of your project.

If you’d like more tools and insight, I’d love to visit with you about your book project.

We work with all phases of book production from writing to publishing and even marketing.

The book publishing world is overwhelming and there are a lot of scams out there… we continue to evolve and uncover the best tools for authors while our authors keep their royalties their own.

Follow my thread here and find some nuggets to help you get your book launched in 2022!

Be safe, warm and healthy out there and Happy February!

The Story Launcher,

Ondi Laure

Ondi Laure is best known for her tales of humanities’ savage past. She writes of untold history, wisdom and courage. For over a decade she has been helping others shape the world through crafting powerful books. Ondi resides on her family’s cattle ranch in northern Wyoming. When she isn’t writing and skiing with family or friends, she spends time playing her guitar or training horses with her husband, Matt.

ps-My Writing Lab Welcoming in 2022! And yes, my first Live on YouTube...


About the Creator

Ondi Laure

Best known for her tales of humanities’ savage past, Ondi writes of untold history, wisdom and courage. When she isn’t writing, she spends time training horses with her husband, Matt.

Learn more about Ondi at

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