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Getting to know musically gifted Lili Venus

Getting to know musically gifted Lili Venus

By Jason James Published about a year ago 3 min read

Hey! We’re happy to have you! Tell us about you:

Thank you so much for having me.

My name is Lili Venus.I was born in Ipswich Uk, and grew up on the East coast of The United States.

I love music because it is a form of magic. It can be used to heal the soul. Certain frequencies and vibrations can heal the body and mind.Music is everywhere , it’s hard to not love it. The song of the birds in the morning. That’s music.

The laughs and cries of children. That’s music too.

The whistle of the wind as it howls during a storm. That’s music. The kid on the bus beat boxing just because. That’s music.

Music is everywhere and if you can find it you can fall in love with it and heal various aspects of your life.

I think what makes me different as an artist is my ability to be so versatile and the way I perceive things in general. We all want fame and fortune from our music right? While that is somewhat true for me, I do music to raise the vibrations of Gaia , the fame and fortune would be a bonus. My artistry runs deeps and is not limited to music alone. As an artist I wear many hats. My music hat just seems to be the biggest.

In five years I see myself running my brand “Essence of Inanna” with brick and mortar stores in at least two cities, with a movie feature , 5 album drops and traveling to perform sound healings all over the states.I see myself having at least two awards for my music and being published several times again as a model. I have an album out specifically for my spiritual crowd that has meditation music and mantras and affirmations you can use for any situation. I will also be a much better guitar and keyboard player in five years with my bachelors in music.I hope to have a Spa in 5 years too and a mini studio other artists can record at.

I want to bring charge and awareness to the music world. I want to create a space that is safe for artists to learn the actual business of music. I want people to create art without feeling like they have to sell out. I also want to bring back the version of r&b where songs used to be 5-7 mins long. Remember when Mary J Blige first came out? She had multiple songs that easily reached 6 minutes long. That’s amazing to me. Most songs now only last about 3 minutes. I also want to bring a new genre to music too. I have been working on something called transcendental r&b. Think Pink Floyd meets Erykah Badu or Nao. That is a dream of mine.

I want to be remembered for my knowledge and authenticity. I want people to hear my messages for generations to come. I want my music to be a mantra for anyone who needs it. Like if someone is having a bad day they can turn me on and feel better instantly. I want people to be like “She never switched up , she was always herself.” My integrity is very important to me. So to be remembered for that would be amazing.Most importantly I want to be remembered for my magic. So much that I become a universal ancestor of some sort. A Goddess for lack of better words. No matter who you are if your intentions are pure , you can call on me beyond the grave and I will gladly come and assist you.


About the Creator

Jason James

Jason James is an American journalist Andrew writer from Miami, Florida that specializes in covering the entertainment industry.

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