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Getting to know music artist MC Luna Trine

Getting to know music artist MC Luna Trine

By Jason James Published 2 years ago 4 min read

What’s your artist name and where are you from?


From: New York City

Why do you love music?

I love music because its the artistic vibration that reaches our soul. It reaches our emotions with each beat that plays along with speken words. It could bring a person alot of joy or sadness depending on the vibrations and mood of the song and and each song will give indeviduals their own experiance and no 2 people will feel the same, yet everyone will hear the same sounds. I love that you could create any story in a song a bring it in the direction you want it to go. Creating music is limitless, from the writting, the beats, the way you sing it and how its sung, is all changable to become the crestion of your desire and how you want it to be expressed for all the world to listen to.

What makes you different as a music artist?

What makes me different as an artist is my willingness to explore my craft and the understanding of my imperfection. I bealieve that embracing our imperftion helps us grow further into our craft and makes us less afrade of failure. That way we could pursue our goals with out self doubting ourselfves or letting others bring us down. Becsuse we know that what people see st the moment will grow and will improve.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I see myself as a successful artist. Booking shows around the world. Number 1 on billboard records world wide. My growth in my craft has been showing through my work. I will have a strong and solid network in the music world yet learned to be independant in my work. I will have grown a fanbase that has become loyal through the 5 years. Many festivals and shows i will book in the next 5 years.

What do you want to accomplish in life?

I want to be much more successful in my music journey. Doing festivals and concerts around the world and preforming my music in front of thousands. I want to hit top records and charts many times over. I want to create a body of work that im proud of and one that shows growth in my craft. I want to have a fan base of millions who listen to my songs on a daily basis. I also want to have inspired many people to pursue their passions as well. I would love to collaborate and make music with many top artist and create tracks that take the world by storm

What do you bring to the music world?

I bring an open mind and open creativity to the music world. I bring a unique taste to what people are listening to and i am breath of freash air when it comes to music taste. My willingness to expirement brings a new tone to the music industry as i put together new ways of making music. It makes me stand out in the music industry. I am willing to put my ego aside and collaborate with other people in the creation of my music. I am willing to listen to constructive critisism to improve my craft. I bring a sense of adventure to my songs and share the behind the scenes with my youtube vlogs.

What do you want to be remembered by?

I want to be remembered by my creative music that i put into the world thats enjoyable for many people to listen to and share expiriances with. I want people to remember my creativity and passion for creating something new. I want people to remember me as the person i am, a kind person, a person who is willing to help others, a person who motivates those around me and inspires people to keep on creating no matter what. Helping those around me become confident in themselves. Allowing others to break out of their shell and find their creative freedom. I like people to remember my kindess twards others no matter their position or status in life. For being a person who treats people the same.


About the Creator

Jason James

Jason James is an American journalist Andrew writer from Miami, Florida that specializes in covering the entertainment industry.

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