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Fresh start 2021

Good riddance 2020

By Dyllon RodillonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
royalty free image I found on google, no copyright intended

To say 2020 was difficult, would be the largest understatement of all time. Mentally, emotionally, physically and financially 2020 was incredibly taxing. No pun intended. Sadly we are not out of the woods just yet. However; let's focus on moving forward. And let's try to learn from this year to improve for the years to come.


2020: So surprisingly this was the only good thing that came out of the pandemic. Although I had personally always been active and love working out, I wasn't really "in-shape". Since I work in a call center as my day job, I'd stress eat all the time, drink all the time, and be around second hand smoke all the time. However when we stopped working, my diet improved. I wasn't constantly exposed to second-hand smoke. And since the bars weren't open for the first few months, then even when they had the opportunity to reopen I did not feel safe enough to go. Sorry, however this did help me improve physically. Also to pass the time I did workout a lot from home in-between work and just watching TV.

2021: For the upcoming year and years to come, this is how I'll improve. Once it is 100% safe to, I would love to start going back to the gym full time. I used to go all the time. Next, with my diet I want to try to maintain my diet when I'm back to working at the office. And I'd love to start doing more cardio, I tend to be stagnant a lot due to my day job. Once it's safe to do so I might just go back to my old High School and run some laps.


2020: Exhausted, there is no other way to describe my mental state than exhausted. Especially with my day job being customer service I'm mentally burnt out. Worst of all the holidays couldn't even help because every holiday we would have a surge in covid cases.

2021: I'm going to try to take better care of myself mentally. Mediation, plenty of sunlight, and plenty of fresh air should help my mental state. I like to think I'm a tough cookie but we all need some help some time and I need to actively take some time for some self care. I'd also love to start reading more books to keep myself mentally stimulated.


2020: Short of the literal 1% of 1% of people that actually made significant sums of money during the pandemic, who wasn't just absolutely depressed? Honestly, this was the most depressing time in a very long while. I miss being able to see all my friends in the office and give them hugs without having to worry about covid. I miss all of our potlucks we had in the office. Thinking about all the fun events we had prior to covid and how they're not coming back any time soon is so saddening.

2021: I'll be honest I'm not the best at expression my emotions nor talking about them. Growing up I was taught never to talk about my emotions, and since I have a tendency to say things I don't mean when I'm upset I hurt those who don't deserve to get hurt. So, after covid I need to more than ever to take care of my emotions. Possibly even go through therapy. Thankfully as we're able to go back to relatively normal life, I'll also have my friends to help my emotional health.


2020: I am eternally grateful to my day job for being able to keep me through thick and thin. I haven't had to make many drastic changes in my life financially and I know not many people can say the same. And I'm sorry for those who were financially hurt due to 2020. Thankfully due to my financial status I was finally able to start investing in the stock market after the March market crash. This is something I've been dreaming about for years but was always to scared to start. Thank you 2020's market crash, a blessing in disguise I guess.

2021: Moving forward I'm going to keep making money moves. Plain and simple. Now all jokes aside, as much as I appreciate and love my job, you should never stop hustling. However even though I have always been good with saving money, now more so than ever is it important to have a "rainy day fund" incase I'm not so lucky next time. I also want to keep learning as much as I can about investing and the stock market. But I also know others were not as blessed as I was, I want to do more charity work and repay my financial blessings to those who weren't as lucky.

Now, with that retched 2020 behind us, let's have an amazing fresh start for 2021 and the years to come. This article is barely scratching the surface of what I plan to do.

Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed what you have read today. I have plenty of different articles on many different topics. Feel free to give those other articles a read or two. Also if you'd be so kind, I'd greatly appreciate a heart and if you really feel so inclined tips are always appreciated but by no means required.


About the Creator

Dyllon Rodillon

Jack of all trades, master of none.

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