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Free Parking for His FERRARI @ Weeks in New York City

How a Protagonists Identified A Window of Opportunity

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Everyone is vying to improve their financial situation. Rich people are often portrayed in the media as leading an extravagant lifestyle, complete with luxury goods such as boats, Ferraris, and costly vacations. However, there are many other kinds of wealthy individuals, not only the kind of folks that are shown on TV programs.

The wealthiest with a low public profile

These individuals are the most eccentric among the wealthy. The majority of their riches was acquired via the pursuit of artistic and scientific endeavors. They live a life that is meaningful and connected to a greater cause. Because of the manner in which they dress and conduct themselves, it is not always obvious that they are wealthy people. They are more interested with the job that they do and the social issues that they support than they are about the accumulation of personal riches.

The wealthy business owners

These individuals are some of the hardest workers you will ever have the pleasure of interacting with. They were able to climb the ranks of the organization and work their way up the corporate ladder to achieve high-level positions. They are some of the most prominent figures in the world of finance. is in the news on a regular basis, has very powerful business objectives, and is capable of making rapid judgments with confidence. In most cases, their fortune is handed down to the subsequent generation, which consists of their offspring. Which brings up the second category of financial plenty.

The wealthy with a family legacy

If you are familiar with the Hilton family, then you are well aware of the means through which they have amassed their fortune. The wealth is often transferred from one generation to the next. These fortunate individuals will never have to put in a day’s labor in their whole life.

Their fortune has been protected by secure investments made over the course of many years in various enterprises and corporations.

The New Affluent

These are the kind of professions that include actors, sports, singers, and entertainers. They would have started out poor and worked their way up, enduring a challenging life along the way. Their fortune would have been built up in such a short period of time that they would make millions of dollars annually.

The Extremely Wealthy

This category is for those who have a significant impact on the economics of the globe. If you are familiar with the Pareto principle, you may recall that it asserts that just one percent of the world’s wealthiest people own 99 percent of the wealth in the world. They are a part of this collective.

They have amassed all of their money as a result of a combination of smarts, toil, and a dash of good fortune. On the other hand, they have a well thought out plan for amassing all of their riches.

Millionaire Get FREE Parking for Ferrari

There is a tale about a wealthy man who goes into a well-known bank in New York City and encounters a loan officer there. The man in the tale is a millionaire. He explains to the officer that he will be away for a few weeks on a business trip abroad and that he would want to borrow a modest amount of money, namely $5,000.

Therefore, the financial institutions requested that he provide collateral, and he showed them his fiery red Ferrari. After reviewing his documentation, the loan officer determined that the individual was the rightful owner of the Ferrari.

The loan officer drove the vehicle to the underground parking garage as soon as the employee left the building. He had the idea, “What an idiot he is, so affluent but foolish,” running through his head.

When the person came back after two weeks, he paid the original sum of $5000 plus an interest charge of $15. After being a lot more interested, the loan officer approached him with a query. Since we discovered that you are really one of the richest men in the United States, the question arises as to why you would feel the need to borrow $5000 in the first place.

The individual flashed a grin before asking in a questioning tone, “Can you tell me another method I could have parked my brand-new Ferrari in the heart of New York for only $15 and yet expected it to be in excellent shape when I come back?”

The loan officer was surprised for a moment when he went out of the door, but he grinned shortly thereafter.

He reflected to himself, “Wow, that person is very smart; it is no surprise that he is successful.”

In this narrative, the protagonists identified a window of opportunity, and one of them seized the chance.

He was one of a very small number of persons who had the idea. This is the way of thinking that prevails among the majority of wealthy individuals. How can you make the best of the circumstances you are in?

Always keep in mind all of the many options.


About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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