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Finding my Passion

This was never something I felt I was good enough at, and I could never see myself getting to the point where I call myself a writer.

By Matthew KennedyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

What I am most passionate about is something that I have been doing in part, both in my professional career and on the side for the past few years. It was never something I felt I was good enough at, and I could never see myself getting to the point where I call myself a writer.

Over the past few months, I have shifted my mentality, focusing on what spare time I have around my family and work, to focus more on what I really enjoy, a process I do not think I could ever get tired of.

I have been focusing more on writing in my personal time, and there is something, almost therapeutic and relaxing to sitting down, to write and share your ideas, and is honestly something the more time I spend doing, the more I am enjoying it.

By Aliko Sunawang on Unsplash

For someone who is in a marketing career, something I really do enjoy, I have never focused enough on myself, on my own personal brand, something I am setting out to change.

How it all began

When I first started my marketing career for a small start-up, it was a massive learning experience, and for the first time in my life, I knew this was a field I wanted to learn more about.

Over the last 6 years, I have worked across multiple industries, three different companies, taking on different marketing roles across my career. One area I have always enjoyed has been writing copy, whether it was for an email marketing campaign, blog post, or social media. The only problem was compared to other areas in marketing, I felt it was one of my weakest, I never felt I was good enough or had the skills to be a good writer.

By Thought Catalog on Unsplash

This is not a good mindset to be in, doubting yourself or your skills, if you do not have belief in yourself, how can anyone else?

Everyone has to start somewhere and over time, through learning, failing, and learning again from those mistakes you can improve and you will get better.

Writing to make a difference

I have learned so much from others, through their blog posts, books and stories, and it would seem almost selfish to not do the same for others. Although I am still very much learning myself, one of my main goals with my writing is to share what I have learned and share what I am passionate about. With the hope of providing valuable lessons and helping others.

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels

Writing has also helped me focus more on areas I have neglected for large portions of my life, such as reading. I have heard from so many different people including world famous authors, that to become a better writer you need to read more. I have had a shift in the last few years, not only trying to read more, but really enjoying reading, in a digital age where information is digested down into bite-sized chunks and can be accessed in a matter of seconds, it is mentally relieving to take time away from all the modern-day tech and just sit down and read a book.

"The more you read, the less apt you are to make a fool of yourself with your pen or word processor."

- Stephen King

Finding your passion

I know I have a long way to go and a lot more to learn, but no longer are these feelings holding me back, in fact, this is now the one thing motivating me to keep going. I hope you, like me, if you have not already, can truly find your passion, something that you enjoy doing in the moment, and are not focused solely on the result.

"The destination isn’t the journey. And our narrative of the actual risks is up to us."

- Seth Godin


About the Creator

Matthew Kennedy

Focused around Video, Storytelling, Digital Marketing, Writing, Reading and Gaming, focused around helping you to grow. Father and Lover of video games, marketing, films and vinyl's.

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