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Finding a Way out of Toxic Relationships

When a friend is not a friend!

By Lorna HarveyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The process of breaking up with someone you care about can be quite difficult. But severing ties with a friend is much more difficult to wrap one's head around.

When you think about how much history the two of you have together, you can feel tempted to stay in a relationship that is unhealthy for both of you.

Because of this, it's possible that you'll have to put up with a lot of drama, harmful events, and pointless competitiveness.

You might consider it a little inconvenience to bear in order to avoid finding out how your friend would respond to the news. Or, what's even worse, you might be concerned that they will reveal your deepest, darkest secrets to the outside world.

It is possible to stop a poisonous friendship, as well as a friendship that is simply not functioning well, despite the ideas and anxieties you may have about doing so.

The question now is, how can you free yourself from a friendship that is harmful to you?

Test Yourself With These Methods:

1. Begin by eliminating them in a gradual manner. Do not abruptly quit the friendship if you were participating in a circumstance that was harmful to your health. Instead, establish limits that are not just reasonable but also firm.

For instance, you might make the decision that the only way you will communicate with your toxic friend is through email, and that when you call on the phone, you will stick to themes that won't trigger any sad memories or feelings from the past.

It's possible that you'll make the decision to cut back on the quantity of conversation you have with them.

Reduce the frequency to once or twice per month, down from three times per week previously. As your friendship fades away, you'll start to experience some of the most agonizing feelings you've ever had.

It is natural and to be expected to have these feelings.

You will be able to let go of those sentiments and emotions once you have acknowledged and accepted them without passing judgment or showing resistance.

2. Bring it to an end in an official manner when the gradual fading does not succeed. You could make an effort to wean your friend off of you gradually, but there's a chance it won't work.

You should consider using a more forthright method of communication.

Have a conversation with your close buddy in which you explain that you need to free up more time and energy in order to focus on other aspects of your life.

Then, issue one last caution, and if they continue to act in a hostile manner, you should terminate your association with them.

Taking a straightforward approach could make you feel uneasy at the time, but you shouldn't give in to feelings of intimidation.

The positive aspect is that you give yourselves the opportunity to talk things out and come to an understanding before actually taking action.

You'll quickly become aware of how liberating it is once some time has passed.

7 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship Video:

3. Get rid of any sentimentality you may have regarding the circumstance. The fact that you wish to sever ties with a relationship indicates that you've come to the conclusion that the relationship is no longer serving your best interests.

Despite this, your message should not be influenced by it. You are still required to convey your argument in as objective a manner as you can.

Maintain a level of professionalism and courtesy during the entirety of our chat. You may find yourself thinking about the fun times you've shared together when you're overcome with nostalgic feelings.

Nevertheless, those memories do not justify their behavior in any way. Maintain as much composure and serenity as you can throughout the entirety of our chat.

4. Be truthful with yourself at all times. It's possible that you don't want to engage in a drawn-out chat with this person.

However, you should discuss how you are feeling with your companion as soon as possible. Keep in mind that you have valid reasons for terminating your friendship.

If you don't, maybe you can try to figure out a solution to the problem. But if you come to the conclusion that things won't turn out the way you hoped, it's probably time to call it quits.

Always tell the truth to both yourself and your companion. The sooner you come to the realization that it is time to leave, the sooner you will be able to terminate the unhealthy friendship.

When the Relationship is No Longer Supportive!

It can be challenging to cut ties with toxic relationships, particularly if you've known them for a long time and have developed a close bond.

On the other hand, if you come to the conclusion that your friendship is no longer serving any purpose for you, it may be time to part ways.

Consider the reasons why the people in your immediate environment have such a detrimental effect on your life, and then determine whether or not you want to continue associating with them.

Then, you should inform them that it is finished and courteously explain that things simply aren't going to work out anymore.

It won't be overnight that you'll be free of the terrible feelings associated with a toxic relationship. However, as time passes, everyone who was affected will start to heal and will get stronger.

self help

About the Creator

Lorna Harvey

My love of writing is relatively new but since I started it has become a passion. I hope you enjoy my writing and look forward to your comments.

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