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Everybody's Talkin' At You

there is much to learn...

By Kevin RoachePublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Below is a list of 8 people who don’t think everything is “awesome”, begin every greeting with “what’s up?”, or have a top 3, 5 or 7 steps you must follow to become rich, successful or reach whatever goal you desire. I admire each these people to varying degrees. What they have to say or do resonates with me in certain ways.

These very clever people in their very different fields all respect language and meaning. They have a lot to say and are passionate about what they pursue. The one thing that unites these people is their constant quest for further personal knowledge for the betterment of all.

You would do very well to follow some of these links and see for yourself.


DERREN BROWN is a UK illusionist and mentalist who is a theatrical showman whose mission is to debunk all the charlatans who prey on the ignorant and lonely.

Derren constantly tours putting on extravagant shows. He also collaborates to produce frequent humorous and intelligent television programmes to demonstrate what can be achieved with a little misdirection and psychology.

Stoicism is Derren's preferred philosophy believing that happiness comes from acceptance of the way things are. He believes that it is futile to try to alter what is not in your power. Instead, just let it all go.


WIM HOF has been globally dubbed as The Ice Man. Since losing his wife to a tragic suicide resulting from debilitating mental illness, Wim has dedicated his life to The Wim Hof Method.

Born in Holland, Wim discovered his method whilst walking in the forest on winter morning when he felt drawn to immerse himself in cold water to ease his pain. After daily further attempts he refined his method to what it is today.

The Wim Hof Method through exercise and breathing techniques fights extreme cold and illness, strengthening the immune system naturally. He constantly confounds scientists who experiment on him to discover his powers.


RUSSELL BRAND is a UK comedian, writer and thinker. Famed as being an ex-addict (drugs, alcohol, sex) Russell battles every day, and helps others to obtain his 12 step method technique. Shunning his glamorous film start past, he now try to live simply by bringing the ‘truth’ to all those who will listen. Russell’s greatest assertion is that politically voting for anybody who doesn’t represent your interests is a waste of time.

Russell has a huge following on YouTube where he records a regular podcast featuring many people who he doesn't necessarily agree with but like to reach an understanding. His podcast is called Under he Skin.


JOE DISPENSA - A prolific researcher, Joe Dispenza’s passion lays at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics which often explain the science behind spontaneous remissions. He helps many people heal themselves from chronic illness terminal diseases.

Continuous advanced workshops are held around the world. Joe has partnered with several other scientists to undertake extensive research on the effects of meditation, including epigenetic testing, brain mapping with electroencephalograms. All his research is for the betterment and furtherance of mankind.


DAVID SINCLAIR was born in Australian, in 169. A biologist and professor of genetics, he is best known for pioneering anti-ageing drugs such as Resveratrol and similar anti-ageing dietary supplements. The relatively new research surrounding this field has revolutionised diet and nutrition regarding the reversal of ageing.

Old age is a treatable disease - according to David Sinclair. Through eating well, exercising adequately and the latest research regarding how various DNA strands interact with tested drugs. David believes we could live quite easily until we are 150. What David is aiming for is to not only live longer but increase the quality of these extra years.


STEPHEN FRY UK actor, comedian, writer and TV presenter. Stephen has often been presented as being a quintessential example of what it means to be British. He gladly accepts this stereotype. His accent, pronunciation and speech pattern reflect not only an England of old, a nostalgic glance back to when England did indeed have an empire to boast about, but give us a sense of optimism.

The cast body of work that Stephen Fry has been associated with ovre the years makes him instantly recognisable. Never straying too far from how we originally saw him when he first appeared with Hugh Laurie, he has been in character for as long as we have known him.

The wisdom we have garnered from the immense body of writing he has provided us with, plus all the television/videos he has been involved with, makes us eternally grateful. He is truly a national treasure.


CANDACE OWNENS a US former Liberal voter from the black community, who is now a recently politicised fervent Conservative devotee. She is known for her pro-Trump activism and her criticism of Black Lives Matter and of the Democratic Party.

Candace tirelessly worked for The Conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA between 2017 and 2019 whereupon vitriolic opposing voices constantly twisted her words and misquoted her daily, which made it impossible for her to continue in her post as communications director.

A fervent supporter of self-actualisation, Candace despises the victim mentality that many Democrats foist upon black voters. An inspiration to us all, and common sense all-round advocator, Candace is certain of another 2020 Donald Trump landslide win.


BEN GREENFIELD has been showing his dedication to health and fitness, for four years, originally studying anatomy. He also studied physiology, biomechanics, pharmaceuticals, microbiology, biochemistry and nutrition. Ben eventually reached the competition. He completed his internship at Duke University and the NFL, graduating in 2004 when was 20.

Ben held down a myriad of jobs whilst attaining his 4.0 GPA in his advanced science courses. he also competed as the president of the triathlon club, middle position for the men’s volleyball team, and holeset for the water polo team. He was a muscle-bound bodybuilder at 215 pounds with 3% body fat. Today Ben is a speaker and coach who lives to transform the lives of others through advice and training. He can be found on YouTube, Instagram and his website. He is an inspiration to us all.


The above 8 people are all worth investigating to further your education and possible health and longevity. If hope you found some value in this article and it leads you to further research.


About the Creator

Kevin Roache

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