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Eight Lessons Taylor Swift Can Teach us About Success.

Because becoming a legend requires more from us than just talent.

By HeatherPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Eight Lessons Taylor Swift Can Teach us About Success.
Photo by Raphael Lovaski on Unsplash

Taylor Swift is one of the most successful musicians of all time. She has sold millions of albums, won countless awards, and is widely regarded as a role model for aspiring musicians. So what are the success habits that we can learn from Taylor? Here are eight to consider:

1. Set goals and work hard to achieve them.

Taylor is known for setting goals for herself and working hard to achieve them. She has said that she writes down her goals and looks at them every day to stay motivated and on track. By setting clear goals and working hard to achieve them, you can increase your chances of success in any area of your life.

2. Be persistent and never give up.

Taylor has faced many challenges and obstacles in her career, but she has never given up. She has always stayed true to herself and continued to work hard, even when things didn’t go her way. By being persistent and never giving up, you can overcome any challenge and achieve your goals.

3. Be confident in your abilities.

Taylor is known for her confidence on stage and in her music. She believes in herself and her talent, and this confidence shines through in her performances. By being confident in your abilities, you can inspire others and make a positive impact on the world.

4. Take care of yourself

Taylor is a busy person, but she always makes time for self-care. She knows that taking care of her physical and mental health is essential for her success, so she makes sure to get enough rest, exercise, and eat healthy. By taking care of yourself, you can maintain your energy and focus, and be at your best.

5. Be kind and grateful.

Taylor is known for her kindness and gratitude. She always takes time to thank her fans and support causes that are important to her. By being kind and grateful, you can build positive relationships and create a positive impact on the world.

6. Be authentic.

Taylor is known for her ability to connect with her fans on a personal level. She writes heartfelt and relatable songs that reflect her own experiences and emotions. By being authentic and genuine, you can built a strong and loyal following.

7. Work hard.

Taylor is incredibly hardworking and dedicated to her craft. She spends countless hours writing and rehearsing, and is always looking for ways to improve and evolve as an artist. By putting in the hard work and effort, you can achieve massive success.

8. Take risks.

Taylor is not afraid to take risks and try new things. She has experimented with different musical styles and genres and has even crossed over into acting. By taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone, you will be able to grow and evolve in your career.


Overall, Taylor Swift is a shining example of what it takes to achieve success in the entertainment industry. By implementing the above principles into our own lives, we too can build an incredible career and achieve massive success in our chosen fields.

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