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Don't Give Up

Quitting is not an option! Failure is!

By Gloria NonoPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Don't Give Up
Photo by Sarah Ardin on Unsplash

I must say... the last few months have been very tough. I went through a lot of things. I was very depressed and unhappy. Yesterday I decided to put that all behind me and start fresh. Its okay if we fall sometimes we just need to get right back up. Brand new, clear mind and head, really try getting out of my head.

I woke up early 6:30 am to be exact. I felt really good for the most part, waking up early and starting a routine. You know, take care of myself. I think if I want to try to be happy I need to start within. I did the same routine everyday after that. Wake up early, be productive, and do the things I love. Im in High School which is good I hope to graduate. Still debating about about college. When the time comes I'll know what to do and decide.

I'm going to visit my family at least 2-3 times a week and on weekends, on my free time when Im not doing nothing. Though we are not on good terms, I would love to build a relationship with them, my family. I know it will take time, but I want to show my family I am putting in the effort. And all the accommplishments Ive acheived by working hard and not giving up.

For a long time I felt like I really lacked motivation, everytime I would fail in any goal I'd like to achieve I just felt like an uter failure. The more and more I failed the more I lacked motivation, its heartbreaking when you are so passionate about something, but you feel like your not getting anywhere. I then realized that everytime I failed I actaully was getting closer and closer to my goal.Everytime I tried and failed was just one step closer.

I began to look at things in a different light, and worked with failure. I started to see failure might actually be my friend it kept me grounded. I kept going, and became stronger every step of the way. It gave me a sense of clarity, each time I knew where I had gone wrong and what to work on better the next trail. Gave me a sense of direction to see the right path I want to go and how to reach the destination I want to be.

Ive failed and failed many times again. Sometimes I just feel like I havent gotten anywhere. Sometimes I feel like giving up. But Ive really learned the power of positivity and the power to keep going. Quitting is never the answer. Try, Try and Try again! You know they say instant success is a myth. Tough can happen for some lucky people, its very rare. Ive learned for me its trail and failure. I should stop getting upset at why I keep failing, but be happy and grateful I get a chance to try again. Look at it form a different perspective. At the end of the day success is not about how much money you make. But how many people you help and lives you change.

Its important to stay motivated believe in yourself! I love the quote. " In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than the fear of failure." Nothing is every easy in the begining, and doesnt get any easier as you succeed. The whole point is DONT GIVE UP!

Sure in life you will hit rock bottom, hit rocky roads, but you just have to keep moving forward. Dont give up! If you have a goal and a dream keep pushing In any aspect of your life weather it be career, family, lifestyle etc; Keep Going Mama!


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