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Do you lack consistency or lose interest in things?

Are you a DA VINCI person?

By Kamran Mehmood Published 2 years ago 4 min read

Do you have a lack of permanence in your personality? This means that you are not able to maintain your work for an extended period of time. For example, if your friend is a programmer and you want to learn to code, you start learning but after a while, you get bored and leave. Then you see another person doing another work and you wish you could do it, so you start learning the basics but after a while, you get bored and leave it too. And then you wonder why it constantly happens to me for this, so you start watching movies or utilizing social media platforms, and there you see someone with a nice body and smart abs, and you think you know what! I'm free, so why not join Gem? So you joined this, then after two or three weeks, you became bored and quit.

Well Don't be upset; you are not alone in this world. In fact, such a large population suffers from this type of scenario as author "Leo Lospennato" created the name "Da Vinci people."

He adapted this term from "Leonardo da Vinci," who was an Italian painter but a Renaissance man who worked as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect but was not a specialist in any field.

The question now is, "Why did this happen?" How can this be avoided? Well, we try to find the answer to the first question, but it's important to understand that this only happened to multi-talented people, who have more than one talent and can do a variety of different work; when they see something, they think, "I can do that too," but once they start doing it, they get bored and start looking for a new proposal.

A few elements are common by these people;

1. They avoid competition:

They do not want to compete because they have their own skill and believe that what they can do, others cannot do, therefore when they see others doing it, they feel uncomfortable; we may call them narcissistic people. As a result, they do not wish to compete.

2. They procrastinate:

They are slackers, they put off any task, and they just assume I'll start tomorrow, after tomorrow, one hour later, but they don't. Even though they waste their prime energy time and start when they are tired, then they start it so they cannot remain longer in this place and leave it, but since they are naturally gifted and talented, they suddenly find their passion in another area and start this. So their lives are like this, from one train to the next, but they can't have to go to their destination.

Now that we know why this happened to the Da Vinci people, we can move on to the more essential matter of how we might overcome it.

It's not difficult if we approach it systematically.

Enlist all the desired activities:

Make a list of the things you wish to perform. Write a list of everything you want to do. Assume you have a lot of money, time, and energy. If you make a list of all of them, then make another list from this list and apply four-point criteria to narrow down which one to choose?

Let me explain all of this one by one;

a) Is it more fun?

Whatever you performing something is more enjoyable or not, keep in mind that multi-talented people become bored quickly and find their passion in other areas. So it is critical to note that you should consider your passion before deciding on a job. You should also consider whether the excitement is long-term or short. If it's temporary, you'll become bored quickly, but if it's permanent, you'll be OK with that.

b) Use multiple talents:

This means that you can use many skill sets or not. Da Vinci individuals can advance with their numerous skills if they apply them properly in one direction. Each talent has its own pull, but imagines the difference you can create if they use all of their talents in one direction. So it's critical to focus all of your talents in one direction.

c) Can increase my income?

This means that you may either increase or decrease your earnings. This is a very powerful question because if your income does not increase as a result of this, you may experience a financial deficiency, which will cause your intention to shift to the other side and your creativity to fade. You will then repeat the cycle, beginning your search for new work and starting all over again, so keep this important point in mind while doing some work.

d) It is Time-limited or not?

Is it a time-limited opportunity? This is perhaps the most significant question. That is, it may be completed in the next six months or a year. The reason is that da Vinci people procrastinate; they think I'll do it now, tomorrow, at the weekend, and so on and so forth, so they miss every opportunity and can't get anywhere, but if they know I need to do it quickly or else I'll miss this opportunity too, from this sense of urgency they can use all energy directed to one direction and do this work with more courage.

That's how simple it is: have more fun, use multiple talents, increase income, and last, is it time-limited or not. If you can manage this, believe me, there is no one else like you.


About the Creator

Kamran Mehmood

Freelance content writer,Ghost writer| Teacher

Reading and writing are my cognative enhancers.

writing of orginility

Trying to explore world with beautiful words.

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