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Do not be lazy, be productive

Be successful!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Do you tend to delay and enjoy a passive lifestyle, or are you someone who is determined, enthusiastic, and a doer? Do you ever find yourself wondering how to break your habit of laziness? Do you ever find yourself wondering how you might avoid being lazy when you feel like it?

After putting in a long day's work for many hours, especially when the temperature outside is quite low, we want to remain in bed and indulge in a little bit of laziness. On the other hand, if doing nothing happens an excessive amount of the time, then something has to be done about it. We need to figure out how to conquer our propensity for sloth in order to accomplish our goals, do our jobs in an effective manner, enjoy life to its maximum extent, and be successful. We have to be able to put up a fight against it, overcome it, and move on from it.

Tasks that we see as being too difficult, too time-consuming, too taxing, or requiring too much energy from us are often avoided by us. The solution to this issue is to divide the work at hand into a number of more manageable components. After that, you won't find each activity to be as challenging or daunting. We will not have one large work but rather a succession of smaller chores, each of which does not demand a significant amount of effort from us.

This method may be used not only for completing chores but also for achieving objectives and doing everything else that is required of us. This will have the effect of reducing a good deal of the inner resistance and sloth that we often feel.

There are times when being wary and lacking energy is the cause of one's slothful behavior. If this is your situation, it is imperative that you get the required amount of relaxation and sleep, as well as that you engage in sufficient physical activity and expose yourself to enough amounts of fresh air. Your body is able to get the necessary strength and revitalization when it is allowed to rest, sleep, and participate in physical activity.

Instead of focusing on the challenges or roadblocks, you should shift your attention to the positive outcomes that will result from overcoming your procrastination and taking action. When you concentrate on the challenges of completing a job, it causes you to get disheartened, which in turn causes you to avoid taking any action and become lazy. It is essential that you direct your thoughts and attention to the positives rather than the challenges in this situation.

Think about what would happen if you give in to your procrastination and do not carry out the work or duty that has been assigned to you. Thinking about the bad outcomes that may occur as a result of inaction can drive and push you to take action in order to prevent such outcomes from occurring.

Pay attention to doing one task at a time. If you believe that you have a lot of work to accomplish, you will most likely experience feelings of exhaustion and succumb to lethargy rather than prevailing over your own sloth. If you take things one step at a time and concentrate just on the work at hand, you will find that it is much simpler to deal with the situation even if there are a lot of duties to do.

Your mental processes, routines, and behaviors are all profoundly impacted by the power of your imagination. Imagine completing any endeavor with ease, vitality, and enthusiasm, no matter how challenging it may seem. Do this before beginning any activity, as well as whenever you feel like procrastinating. Do the same thing even when thoughts in your head are telling you to stop what you're doing.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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