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Discover the Benefits of Embracing Stillness

Finding time to experience calmness!

By Lorna HarveyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Being present in a calm and unstimulating setting is all that is required to experience stillness. If you're like the majority of people, you probably don't make it a habit to regularly engage in activities that allow you to feel truly quiet.

The majority of individuals have a negative reaction to the concept of stillness for a few different reasons:

They have the misconception that they do not have enough time.

They have a dependency on diversions and abhor being left alone with their own thoughts and reflections.

Consider the following reasons why it is important for you to make time for meditation:

1. Taking a Break. You are able to escape the bad ideas that have been plaguing your mind when you are able to detach for a short period of time.

If you take a brief break from your everyday activities, you will have a greater opportunity to recognize the reality of the situation.

You are able to break free of the mental patterns that have been holding you back and enjoy enhanced clarity.

2. Tapping into Your Wisdom. If you never take the time to be still, your intuition will never be able to speak to you.

Even though it is shouting at you, you are entirely clueless about the information that it is trying to convey to you. If you make time to sit in silence on a regular basis, you will develop greater wisdom.

3. Less Stress. Less stress is experienced when you give your mind a vacation from the hectic activities of the day.

Naturally, this improves the quality of your sleep as well as your general physical and mental wellness.

4. Raise the Level of Your Self-Awareness. Being still gives you the opportunity to check in with yourself.

You develop a heightened awareness of your feelings, as well as your thoughts, aches, and pains.

You have the time and the perspective to become more aware of yourself since you are not preoccupied with the thoughts that run through your head on a regular basis.

The benefits of stillness can significantly improve the quality of your life and should not be underestimated.

You would be losing out on a lot if you never stop moving about. If you never raise your head above the din, there is a good chance that you will overlook many of the choices and chances that are open to you.

The pursuit of stillness takes time, but the time spent is time well spent.

Finding Stillness Amidst Chaos Video:

There are Several Strategies to Achieve a State of Calm:

1. Meditate. Although meditation is the method that most people think of when they want to learn stillness, it is by no means the only choice.

Mastering meditation is not a difficult skill to acquire, despite its seeming ease. A wonderful method for developing a regular habit of calm, daily meditation for twenty minutes is an excellent approach to do it.

2. Turn Off All Of Your Electronic Gadgets. Try taking a walk, sitting, or standing where you are.

Take a little break from your computer, smartphone, television, or any other electronic device you may be using.

Simply close your eyes for a few moments, stare at the wall, or look out the window. Pay attention to what you are seeing, or just pay attention to how you are breathing.

Make it a goal to restrict the number of thoughts that run through your head. Instead, center your attention on the data that is coming in from your senses. Describe what you see, hear, smell, and feel in this room.

Changing your behavior for even a few minutes every hour can have a significant impact.

3. Devote Some Time to Being Outdoors. Isolate yourself from other people and anything that was manufactured by man.

Get out in the fresh air and spend some time with the local flora and fauna. Just take some time to appreciate where you are and give your mind a rest for as much of the available time as you can.

4. Practice Mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness is something that can be done anywhere.

You could practice mindfulness while riding the subway or while attending a business meeting. Maintain your focus, both mentally and physically, on what you are doing and the environment around you.

Try to keep your mind from wandering, either by daydreaming or by thinking about things in the past or the future, or anything else that is unrelated to what you are doing right now.

Embracing the Calm!

An atmosphere that is extremely exciting can prevent someone from experiencing complete calm, but it also significantly lessens the impact of the activity that is taking place around them.

Put some time aside in your schedule each and every day to be still and reflective. That's how significant it is.

You might think you don't have time for silence, but the fact that you feel this way is the clearest indication that you require it more than ever.

Take some time out of each day to meditate in silence for as long as you can. Your life is going to be profoundly altered as a result of this.

self help

About the Creator

Lorna Harvey

My love of writing is relatively new but since I started it has become a passion. I hope you enjoy my writing and look forward to your comments.

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