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Details determine success or failure

Life philosophy truth

By Sheryl E DavisPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

From ancient times to the present day, flowers are the language that represents love. It does not need to spend much money, especially during the flower season, in the street, and at intersections, you can see people selling flowers. However, because there are only a handful of occasions when a husband buys a bouquet of daffodils to take home, this daffodil is as rare and unavailable as a rare orchid, as precious as the snowline flowers that grow on the craggy tops of the Alps.

Why did you have to wait until you were so sick that you went to the hospital before you took a bouquet to send her? Why not buy her a bouquet of roses tomorrow night? Try this idea and then see how it works.

George Cohan was so busy every day, but he called his mother twice a day until she died. Did he have some important news for her old man every time he called? No, that's not it. The point of paying attention to the smallest things is this: to show to your beloved one that you often miss her and that you want her to be happy. And her joy, and happiness, will make you feel the same way.

Why do women attach great importance to birthdays or anniversaries? This will always be a mystery to women. The average man can't even remember an anniversary for the rest of his life, but there are a few dates that must be remembered: 1492 (Columbus discovered the American continent), 1776 (American Independence Day) his wife's birthday, and his wedding anniversary. If you can't remember them all, the most important thing is not to forget your wife's birthday.

Chicago judge Joseph Sebas has handled 40,000 cases of marital strife and mediated 2,000 marital conflicts. He said: "A small thing can become a source of marital unhappiness, take a very simple thing if a wife to go to work every morning to her husband, wave, say 'goodbye', will avoid a lot of the risk of hitting the rocks of divorce. "

Robert Browning and his wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, could be called the happiest couple of all time. Their ever-present attention to the details of each other and their subtle consideration for each other made their love eternal. Browning cared so much for his disabled wife that Mrs. Browning once wrote to her sister, "Now I am beginning to suspect that I am an angel."

Many men overlook the value of these small, everyday attentions. As Gainer-Madox wrote in Pictorial: "The American family needs to develop some new traits.

Breakfast in bed, for example, is a way that many women enjoy. For women, the pleasures of breakfast in bed are on a par with those of a man's private club."

That's the essence of marriage - the food, the salt, and the chicken. For those couples who neglect this, their marriage is a disaster. Vincent Millay sums it up succinctly: "The loss of love does not make me suffer every day, but there are countless wounds in the smallest details. It's worth writing down.

Reno is the most convenient and simple place to handle divorce cases in the United States. The courts meet six times a week and decide on a divorce case on average every ten minutes. How many marriages do you think actually hit the rocks of divorce and almost become a sad scene? I'd venture to say that it's a very small number.

If you have the leisure to sit in court every day and listen to the reasons for divorce given by the spouses, you will know that love is "in the subtleties of the existence of countless wounds". Now get out the scissors and cut out this quote and put it on the mirror so you can see it every day when you shave: "Time doesn't go backward. Therefore, if I can achieve any benefit for anyone, I should implement it immediately, without excuses or indifference, because the moment has passed and will not come again."

So, if you want to make your family life happy and fulfilling, please remember the following principle: the details make the difference.


About the Creator

Sheryl E Davis

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